Seriously? How did that happen? Where does the time go???

He's exactly 18 months today so it was his first time in nursery today at church. I'm still convinced that he's too young to go. Matt thinks otherwise, probably since he's the one who has to wrangle Preston all through the last two hours of church!!! And yes I played paparazzi in the CHURCH hallway!!!! Who
does that???

Of course he walked in and never looked back! I peeked in on him a couple times and he was just bopping around, doing his thing. *sigh*

Tonight was our last nursing session. I am ready to be done but it's still bittersweet. Who knows if I'll ever have the chance to nurse another baby?

★ All about Preston @ 18 months
★Up on the table is his favorite spot. I have to keep the chairs pulled out away from the table so he can't climb up!

His favorite thing to help me with is putting laundry from the washer into the dryer. He says "IN!" as he puts the clothes in, tosses in the dryer sheet then shuts the door. So cute!

Kid loves apples. I just give him a whole one and he goes to town!!! He eats it down to a tiny little ball (see in his hand), probably as close as you can get without eating the core!

Well check stats will come in a couple weeks, I'll add them back here. At his 15 month well check, I mentioned again to our pediatrician that we were still battling with hives and eczema pretty badly as well as 4+ dirty diapers a day and I was sure he must be allergic to
SOMEthing he was ingesting. So she sent us for a blood draw. That was pretty much a nightmare!!!

The culprits I was assuming it was, milk or egg, came back negative. But apparently, he IS allergic to
TOMATO!!!!! Pizza, spaghetti sauce, salsa, BBQ sauce, plain ole tomatoes, sheesh!!! I still haven't requested the paperwork to see HOW allergic he is, but the ped recommended staying away from them until he is 3 years old then reintroducing. What is with my kids and bizarre food allergies???!
Preston is definitely not as talkative as Gavin was at the same age, but his vocabulary is increasing daily! Words he says: Mommy/Mom, Daddy, Matt (lol!), Gaaaaa (Gavin), Beek (Blake), Beck (Brooklyn), Jesus, Papa (grandpa), Jack (my parents dog), baby, hat, milk, drink, snack, apple, nana (banana), bape (grape), berry, hi, bye-bye, ball, boon (balloon), uh-oh, done, binky, doggie, duck, stuck, yuck, rock, hot, side (outside), up, down, in, shut, sit, bath, soft, set GO!, eye, eeee (ear), nose, mouth, teeth, WoodyWoodyWoody (from Toy Story), Minnie, Donald (not sure if this one is the character or McDonalds??), Elmo and I'm sure a ton of others I can't think of at the moment.
He does this funny growl thing, like someone might do when they get frustrated, like "Uuuuugh!" He does it when something falls down or drops. I'll have to see if I can get it on video and put it here. It's one of my favorite things he does!
He is very good at following directions and understands a lot better than he speaks. I can't wait until he can communicate a little bit better with us so we don't have as much crying going on. He's started to throw mini-tantrums by dropping himself to the floor and rolling around a bit. At this moment, it's cute. ;) Still a very "busy" child and if there is something to be getting into, he's there!!! We're seeing the beginnings of separation anxiety when we leave to go somewhere (in the house or out). If I'm sitting on the floor, he's sitting on my lap. He love love loves his Daddy and as soon as he hears that garage door open around 6pm, he gets soooo excited!!! He's pretty much a great eater and there are only a few things that he's not into.
I love how fun and inquisitive toddlers are, but I know in a blink of an eye, he's going to be 2 and not much of a baby anymore. I'm just trying to snuggle with him as much as I can and enjoy this stage while were in it. We sure do love our Presty-boy!!!