Monday, June 14, 2010

The Purest Form

I wanted to write this down before it's completely gone from my memory.

Last Fast Sunday (June 6th), when members of the congregation were invited to bear their testimonies, I leaned over to Blake and asked if he wanted to bear his testimony.

Now, to backtrack a bit -- we've always encouraged our kids that when they are ready, they are more than welcome to go up and share their testimony ON THEIR VERY OWN, without mommy or daddy or sibling whispering what to say in their ear.

So back to the story- Blake nodded his head yes and I asked him what he was going to say, he told me, then he got up and walked confidently up to the stand to wait his turn. When that time came, he stood up to the microphone and instantly, that confidence I saw just minutes before melted away and he was stuck before he even began. I caught his eye, mouthed "You can do it!" and nodded my head to him. My eyes were welling up with tears already!!! He fidgeted around for a bit then Matt got up, knelt by him on the stand, gave him a little pep-talk and maybe a *little* prompting and Blake bore his testimony for the very first time. My heart swelled and a few tears escaped.

It was truly a kodak moment and at that very second, I was wishing I could stand up and take a picture, to capture the precious scene I was witnessing, a father there by his little boy's side. I hope I never forget that moment, ever.

1 comment:

Heather said...

O.k, just to comment, I'm sitting here with tears in 'my' eyes about 'your' son. How precious! I can just see Matt kneeling down and 'helping' Blake. Too cute! You guys have such a cute family. And all the adventures that you guys go on.... you have a lot of fun!