+ Two Sundays ago, I was sitting on Preston's bedroom floor, getting everything ready to dress him for church. I knew he needed his bum changed. I turned my back and Blake yelled, "Mom, Preston got one of his poops out!" I turned around, completely horrified that Preston had POOP on his FINGERS!!!! This is my FIRST diaper-digging child experience and this better be the LAST occurrence!!
+ Monday night before we got into bed, Matt checked on the kids and came back to me, bustin' up laughing, saying he had to go get the camera. He then informed me that Preston was naked. This is what I found upon checking for myself--- {September 29, 2010}
Yep, here is Gavin in the same situation!!! { September 30, 2007}
+ Yesterday, Preston had followed the kids upstairs, which I am being a little more lenient about. Obviously I shouldn't be!!!
Showing me his artworkThen there are the things he does that crack me up!!
Future paprazzi?
Preston has witnessed every one of Blake's karate lessons for the past 1+ years. Apparently he's learning a little something too because recently he started showing us his own moves. I got some on camera today! I guess it's kinda like a two-kids-for-the-price-of-one deal! LOL!
Even though he has a penchant for naughtiness, I sure do love him to bits!!
And just a little side note~ he actually referred to himself as "Presty," not "baby," for the first time today!