Every year, Labor Day weekend is the Palmer family (Matt's dad's side) reunion. We headed up to the cabin in Christopher Creek, pitched our tent, enjoyed the great outdoors, played games, and caught up with extended family members we hadn't seen for awhile.
Minute to Win It seems to be the hot thing for family reunions right now! We did this game again for our activity on Saturday.
All three older kids participating in the tissue box emptying competition

1. Dan water bottle toss 2. Blake & I pingpong booty shake 3. Matt blowing balloon
ME!!! Getting cookie (a melty chocolate one) from forehead to mouth with NO hands!!!!
We did plenty of quad riding, thanks to Derek & Kristin!!! We may have to invest in a couple of these babies in the not-so-distant future!! I had a blast riding them and so did the kids!

Saturday evening, most of us headed down to the CC branch for a potluck dinner.
Preston gets some snuggle time with great-Grandma Palmer

The twins sang The Star Spangled Banner after I so nicely volunteered them ;)

Daddy carrying the monsters to the tent

Monsters in BED!!!

Preston went absolutely
BONKERS in the Pack ' n Play!!! He was spinning around in circles, saying, "Ready, set, GO!" and running from one end to the other, falling down then doing it all over again!

More quad riding Monday. This guy couldn't get enough of the quads!!!!

Aaaaaaaaaand this is what happened when you removed that guy from the quad! LOL!
Ready to ride!

Brooklyn did ride quads but I guess nobody took a picture of her!Blake & Andrew -- you can tell they are related by those blue eyes!!

Brooklyn showing off her crawdad catches down at the creek

I got plenty of snuggle time with Derek & Kristin's new baby, Sophie!!!

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