Monday, September 20, 2010

A Momentous Day Indeed!

Preston is *officially* a forward-facing carseat rider!!! Just shy of 21 months, I decided that it was time to turn him around. Although it was nice to have Brooklyn and Blake in the backseat to entertain him, I was over the fact that he would scream practically every day for 20 minutes while we were waiting in the pick up line to get the kids from school!

As we drove down the street to go pick up the twins today, he wasn't quite sure what to think about his new view. I'm pretty sure his eyes were wide and there was a little smile behind his bink. But he was lovin' being able to see me while we waited for big brother and sister!! :)

Hi Mommy!!Gimme back my binky!Sweet boy{p.s. he normally isn't allowed to have the binky out of the crib. but i had dragged him out of his crib while he was sleeping so i allowed it today}

Matt thinks I'm a little nutso about carseats, but he's a sweetheart, has learned to keep his mouth shut and let that be my domain. ;) He has been commenting here and there for months that Preston needs to be turned around and when I texted him that I actually did it this morning, this was his reply, "Hail Lindsay the car seat ___. I am high stepping right now." LOL! (I'm pretty sure he meant to say QUEEN in that blank, right babe?)

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