Has it really been 10 years already????! Sometimes it feels like high school was an eternity ago, but at the same time, it's hard to believe that 10 years just flew right by!
Friday night, there was an unofficial class reunion family gathering at a park in Mesa. It was very low-key and casual and there was a pretty good turnout! Nothing near our entire graduating class of 800+ students, and I was hoping to see a few more people that I associated with in high school, but it was good to see so many familiar faces. It is rather awkward seeing people again after 10 years has passed, wondering if they remember you, or even care what you have been up to. I didn't approach too many people because of that. Matt did have 3 cousins and a sister that graduated with me as well.
Last night was the "official" reunion at the Marriott in downtown Mesa. Tickets were CRAZY expensive ($90 per PERSON) and with hard economic times, a lot of people just plain couldn't afford that. I'm lucky that the cost wasn't an issue, but consequently, there was a less than stellar turnout, which was disappointing. I'm glad we went, though, because I would've always wondered what I missed. Now I know I wouldn't have missed much! LOL!
My babe and me

Again, I'm sad that I didn't get to reconnect with more acquaintances from back then, but good thing for Facebook, I guess! There were three band girls there that represented ;)
Me, Nicki Robbins, Kathryn Koniuszy
(excuse my fatness next to these skinny minnies!!!)
And just for fun, if you will, a walk down memory lane; some pictures from my senior year :)
Band was pretty much my life!!! I was head drum major for the marching band. Some of these are scrapbook pages for a book I never completed. Oops!

Three drum majors- Sara Rosenhan, Anthony Jimenez, Lindsay Hamilton, October 1999

^^Mr. Burgener (band director), Anthony Jimenez, Lindsay Hamilton, Sara Rosenhan at the State Marching Festival where we won a Superior rating for our band show (patriotic theme)
Professional drum major picture

Friday night football games -- On Toros On!

State Championship football game

... me & Lindsay Peterson,

^ picture from underneath, me conducting the Toro fight song
Lindsay Peterson & I (best friends) at Disneyland on band trip, April 2000

Me & Lindsay Peterson at the end of the year band banquet, May 2000

Dad, me & Mom at graduation, May 2000

Senior pictures

Looking back, I wish I had more, BETTER photos of my senior year. Too bad digital wasn't the "in" thing yet! High school was an awesome time in my life and I have some great memories tucked away from those days. It'll sure be fun to look back again in another 10 years from now!
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