And this year, Matt even got to go with us for a couple days! I love relaxing at the cabin. It's not the fact that you get time off from cooking, cleaning and parenting, because you don't. But it's great to have the help from mother&sister-in-laws in meal prep/clean-up and collaborating on keeping things tidy and the kiddos in line. The kids enjoy running, playing outdoors and getting as dirty as they please while the adults get to play card games, chat about everything and anything under the sun, watch crazy tv shows and stuff ourselves full of junk food. I'm grateful to Grandma & Grandpa LeBaron for allowing us to use their cabin to make good memories with our family. ♥
For once, I toyed with the idea of not even bring my camera up to the cabin. I did bring it, but it stayed in it's case until Tuesday (we came up Friday and went home Wednesday). I regret not getting a few pictures, like our annual cousin line up on the porch, but overall, it was more relaxing just living in the moment rather than trying to capture every moment.
Brooklyn wanted to do this atrocious 500 piece puzzle then bailed on me. After wasting several hours of my life and only getting this far, I crumpled it all back up and put it away!!!
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