What do these three have in common? Nothing really, just the fact that they start with the letter F and describe a few every day happenings that I haven't mentioned here yet. ;)
Brooklyn has a mild case of BIEBER FEVER!

It's interesting to hear how all this comes about since she hasn't really been exposed to Justin Bieber here at home. Her aunt Kristin wanted to take her to see the movie Never Say Never and oooooohhhhhhh boy, I've never heard her squeal so loud or go so wild when I told her!! I ended up going with them and it's fun to enjoy these things through your child's eyes! I've downloaded a couple of JB's songs to my Ipod so we can all jam out and dance like crazies any time we want. One of Preston's new favorite words is nnnnnnnEVER!!! haha
Brooklyn and cousin Andrew waiting for the movie {in 3D} to start
Can you tell how excited she was?!?

Blake and Brooklyn had their little 2nd grade musical performance at the school. It was called "It Sounds a Little Fishy to Me" and had various songs and speaking parts about different ocean animals.
~the whole 2nd grade~

The day Matt and I got back from California, there was a need for volunteers to help in the ward garden so we headed on over to do our part. The kids got busy digging up weeds and planting seeds.

Preston screamed until someone gave him a rake. He's serious about his gardening skills!!

Then we had McDs ice cream cones for dinner! Preston ate his from the bottom up.
1 comment:
Ohhhh the big BEIB! Love that kid.... I might have a m ild cougar crush on him as well... i just think he's so charming for a what... 16 year old? Selena Gomez is one lucky girl!
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