Monday, July 23, 2012

Hayden at 7 months

Sometimes I'm still pinching myself that I have another sweet girl!   Every day, I'm in awe at what a beautiful baby she is.
 I bought this headband to match the dress but it's too big (a first!) and kinda made her look ridiculous.  She doesn't really like wearing headbands and tries to intercept me as I put one on her noggin.

 Just after she turned 6 months old, we tried rice cereal for the first time.  Didn't go over real well, as you can see.  She was offended every time Matt stuck the spoon in her mouth.  Preston said, "She just wants her milkies."

I'm still not very consistent with feeding her solids because it's just ONE more thing to stick into the day!  It would be so much easier if I could just nurse her forever!  She did like oatmeal cereal more than rice and so far she's tried butternut squash and pears, both of which she gobbled right up!

I put together the exersaucer and after her siblings left it alone for two seconds, she got to try it out.  She likes it for a little while, but it's not her favorite.

Hayden is a MOVER!!!  Army crawling is her preferred method of getting around these days.  Gone are the days where I can just set her down and know she'll be safe.  She goes after cords, Legos and little specks on the carpet.  I've already had to dig stuff out of her mouth after a few gagging episodes!

She is such a happy baby, most of the time!

She's finally sitting up with some stability, although she sticks her legs straight out!

For a couple weeks, I was wavering back and forth on whether to take her in to the pediatrician's office because she had been rubbing/pulling at her ears and popping on and off while nursing, which made me think she might have an ear infection.  I always hesitate because I hate paying for them to tell me nothing is wrong.  Right before we left for the cabin, I took her in anyway because I didn't want to be dealing with a miserable baby if she did have an ear infection.  Nope, her ears were clear (of COURSE!!) but her four top teeth were completely bulging, which was probably the cause of her discomfort.  I guess the peace of mind was worth the trip to the doctor.

I think that about wraps it up for this month.  I'm sad that we're already on the downward slide to her 1st birthday!

**Apparently I only took pictures of her while she was wearing purple this last month!

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