Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer trip to the Strawberry cabin

We didn't have any summer vacation get-away plans, so when someone mentioned heading up to the cabin, I was all over that!  I wanted to go for a loooong trip and that's exactly what we did!  We went from a Friday to Friday, which was the longest we've ever stayed!  Matt and I drove up separately since he had to go home Sunday morning to be back for meetings.  We brought Andrew and Spencer with us for the weekend.

The kids, especially Brooklyn and Emily, loved being able to help Uncle John (Carroll) milk his goats.  I know I've said this a thousand times, but Brooklyn could LIVE on a farm!!  The girl loooooves animals.

Sweet Preston face, still clean at this point.

 Boy cousins at the cabin ~ Adam, Josh, Spencer, Gavin, Blake, Andrew and Preston 

Milo set up this awesome swing and here's Matt taking Hayden (strapped to him in the Bjorn) for a little ride

Church in the Pine Ward is always interesting.  There was some political views shared in Sunday School, then Hayden felt the need to keep things exciting by having a blowout up the front.  Of course I had just removed the extra outfit from the diaper bag so she sported the toga look for the rest of the block.

Jen put some tape on Hayden's nose and it was hilarious watching her try to get it off!

On our way back from Payson on Monday, Jen saw this little guy in the road!  The kids loved having a cabin pet and named it Indi, short for Indiana Jones.  Josh & Em ended up taking it home with them.

To add to the animal excitement, the kids then found this little snake and captured it.  Once it was put in a different container, we watched it escape back into the wild.

More fun on the swing.  These two spent a LOT of time here!
 Josh and Blakester
This was too cute not to catch -- Hayden just scootched her way right over to join the boys playing a game on someone's phone!
 Grandma and Hayden
 Headed out for a walk
 Grandma taking Grandpa for a spin down the road
 Girly girls!
 Me & the babe
 Gavin cautiously feeds the horse a carrot
 Brooklyn feeds the horse an apple
 Aunt Diana helps Blake with an apple
 Aunt Laura "helping" Preston have a turn.  This was so funny how he just has his hand on her arm!
 Cute cousins!
 Cooling off with otter pops
Getting started young on playing cards!
 Hayden and her baby-buddy, Emersen (Stephanie Skinner McKay), who is 3 months older
 Blake and Josh were really into playing games this trip!  It was fun to get them started in on the easier card games that the LeBarons play.

The last night, I made sugar cookies for the kids to decorate

Hayden and Grandpa having a "moment"

My favorite part of the cabin.  There is always someone up for playing a game!  (hand & foot here)

So glad these two have each other!  Brooklyn lost her top left eye tooth while we were at the cabin so her and Emily had matching smiles!
One last swing....

Before heading home~


mad white woman said...

I need a cabin.

Melanie said...

We have two box turtles that look just like that! My husband has had them since he was about 10 years old. They are good, hearty pets, and pretty easy to take care of! How fun to find one!