Monday, October 12, 2015

Fall Break ~ UTAH!! {timp caves}

One of my goals for our trip this year was to see and do things that are unique to Utah.  I wanted to get out and explore, so in my research, hiking to Timp Cave seemed to fit the bill.  

For the 2015-2016 school year, 4th graders are able to get a pass through an initiative called Every Kid in a Park.  This allows children and their families to get to experience our country's natural treasures for FREE for a year.  The pass provides access to national parks, national forests and more!  It just so happens we have our very own 4th grader this year!  Macey is also in 4th grade so that worked out perfectly for our adventure!

Hiking Timpanogos was pretty intense, it rises 1092 ft in elevation in 1.5 miles!  The trail is paved, which made it a little easier to hike.  We just had to frequently call out to the kids to stay away from the side of the mountain so we didn't lose anyone over the edge!
Stopping for a quick snack break.  Gummy bears turned out to be great bribery motivation to keep everyone moving along. ;)  Really, Hayden did fantastic for being only 3 years old!
 Spectacular views over the Utah Valley
 The kids were such good hikers!!!
 At the top, we took the cave tour with a guide.  It was incredible to see all this hidden right inside the mountain!!
This massive stalactite below is the "heart" of Timp.  Legend has it that Utahna jumped from the mountain, Romeo and Juliet style, after her true love, Red Eagle, died from a bear attack.  It goes on to say that her heart is entombed in the cave.  Some believe the ridgeline of Mount Timpanogos resembles a sleeping maiden.
 The kids all made sure to sign the visitors log!

The next morning, we said goodbye to the Barneys.  They were such gracious hosts to let us invade their house for four days!  

We had to take quick pics with Josie before she went to preschool.  Hayden and Josie really played so well together.  They're only 3 weeks apart in age! 
Josie & Hayden 3 years old
Sydney 11 years old, Blake & Brooklyn 12 years old
Gavin & Macey 9 years old
Hadley & Preston 7 years old
We love the Barneys and are grateful to have maintained a relationship with them, even after all these years since optometry school graduation.  It's easy to pick right up where we left off, no matter how much time has passed.  Our kids ask frequently when we get to visit the Barneys and it's been nice that we've had the chance to see them semi-regularly!

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