Monday, December 28, 2015

December randoms

Preston likes to sit in this "triangle" of my legs while I'm laying on the couch.  He's been doing this for years but he's almost too big to fit!
She's convinced that these bows on her new pajamas are scissors!
I accidentally left to run errands at San Tan Village still wearing my Ugg slippers!!  I had made a mental note that I needed to change my shoes, but I guess that's what happens when your feet are so cozy!
Decorating the Christmas tree!
This is a popular spot on chilly mornings before school.
Just doing planks in the car while we're waiting for big bro & sis, no biggie.

Basketball season has begun!  The little ones sure are entertaining to watch!  Lots of traveling and falling on the ground. Haha!

BRAG ALERT!!!  Gavin participated in the school spelling bee today and finished THIRD PLACE, first and second places going to eighth graders!!  He gets to move onto the district bee next month!  SO proud of him!  When I asked him about the word he got out on (trellis), he said, "Mom, I've never seen that word in a book before and that's how I know my words."
Mailing Cody a Christmas package
I volunteered to "help" Brooklyn with her homework.  I love crossword puzzles, even if they're in Latin!
Since Preston's birthday falls during winter break, I decided to pick him up from school and take him out to lunch early.  He loves Firehouse Subs!
All dressed up for the Sunday before Christmas!
With Grandma LeBaron after the annual Christmas gift exchange
And with Grandma and Grandpa Palmer at the Palmer family dinner and talent show!  The kids each played a piano piece, then we all sang The Miracle as a family.
We got a new fridge!!!
The long awaited day is here!!  They watched all 6 Star Wars movies in preparation for the release of The Force Awakens.  I'm not a Star Wars person, but I loved seeing them so excited!
"Do you want to build a snowman?" for Primary singing time!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

PrEsToN's birthday

For birthday dessert, he requested chocolate lava cake with ice cream on top!  I had fun making these little individual servings and they turned out delicious!
He's kind of a little bit obsessed with Star Wars at the moment (thanks to the new Force Awakens movie) so you'll see a theme here for his gifts; R2D2 watch, Star Wars Legos and a Kylo Ren light saber that glows and makes sounds.
He also got this super cool Flash Rider 360 to add to the parking lot of riding toys we have!  The back wheels are casters so you can spin all the way around.  Perfect for this wild and crazy dude!

Preston is boisterous, full of energy, a smarty pants know-it-all who asks a million questions a day about the most RANDOM things!  His mind is constantly spinning, observing every aspect of the world around him.  He has done remarkably well in 1st grade thus far, his teacher is very complementary of him in the classroom.  Preston is fiercely protective of his little sister but also loves to torture her.  He is probably one of the most adventurous eaters of all our kids.  One of his favorite foods is avocados, especially in guacamole form. He still does not like loud noises at all- he's terrified of balloons popping, fireworks and indoor sports arenas, which is ironic considering how loud he is all the time!  He loves Legos, Star Wars, video games, being read to (he's starting to read chapter books on his own!), jumping on the trampoline and being outside in general.  He says he wants to be a biochemical engineer when he grows up!  WE love YOU Preston Milo!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas~ 2015

Finally, after 13 years of marriage, we have all matching stockings for our family!!
There's no surprising the kids what their "one" Christmas Eve gift is!  New Christmas jammies!
Gavin requested that Santa leave written proof of his visit~

Oooooohhhh!  Santa has come!  He left lots of toys for good girls and boys!  Brooklyn got a sewing machine, the boys got remote control cars and Hayden got a new art easel!  And a hot shot basketball arcade right here in the living room!
This is the "trap" Matt set this year for the kids.  
Stepping all over Legos didn't phase them one bit! haha
Traditional picture on the stairs
Excited for a selfie stick!
A little friendly competition in the morning~
A super cute new helmet!  She'll be riding her bike princess style!
Gavin has been wanting his own gumball machine for awhile now!
I try to make sure that one gift is educational or gives them a chance to use their brain!
Hayden got a Boogie Board, which is basically a modernized Magnadoodle
I remember having a Spirograph when I was a kid!
She's happy about this one!
Guess it was a technology Christmas for Matt and I!  He got me the camera lens I've been wanting, I got him a GoPro!

Trying out gifts!
We call this "The Aftermath"

Guess I didn't really take pictures of our Christmas day festivities with the Palmers, but a story about our time with the Hamiltons.... My mom was recently diagnosed with rectal cancer.  She's been doing chemo and radiation and because of this, her immune system is really suppressed.  She's supposed to stay away from large crowds (meaning she's had to miss out on all the holiday concerts and recitals) and try not to come into contact with sick people.  Of course two of my boys had coughs come Christmas Day and I was torn because I didn't want to miss out on this chance to see my family.  We talked about driving separately (which I hate doing) so Matt could take the boys home.  My parents came up with a solution- the boys could wear surgical masks to keep their germs to themselves.  There were a few tears shed over the situation, but when I explained why it was really important for Grandma to stay healthy, they seemed to be ok with it.
Joshua is happy about the new HAM radio we gave him!
Heston has the best expressions!  We got him a knife and an extra long sleeping bag for his extra tall self.
Heston has introduced the boys into the world of Magic the Gathering.  It's a card game.
Calendars as usual for the seesters!
Hayden LOOOOOVES the princess chapstick box Grandma gave her!
Sibling pic!  I feel short when I'm around them.  Except Beck. haha
Just missing Cody, who will be home for next Christmas!!!
Just had to mention these beautiful squares of deliciousness!!  I could've eaten the whole pan by myself!!  I'm not normally a brownie lover, but put a layer of frosting and candy canes on top??  Yes, please!