Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Concerts and Recitals galore!!!

In one week, we had Blake's band concert, Gavin's orchestra concert and Brooklyn's dance concert (on the same night!!), piano recital AND Hayden's ballet recital!!  Then the following week, Brooklyn had her choir concert.  WHEW!!!

First up, Blake.  I was lamenting over the fact that we had to spend $$ on a full tuxedo for TWO performances, but gosh, look how handsome he is!!  He is the only clarinet in the concert band.

Like I mentioned, Gavin's very first orchestra concert and Brooklyn's dance performance were on the same night.  It kills me to miss any of my kids' anythings!  It was important that I be at Gavin's concert so I just had to do the best I could to catch what I could of Brooklyn's.  Gavin has really liked playing the viola.  I'm hoping it's something he sticks with for a very long time!  During the singing portion of Gavin's performance, he winked at me and I just about died of cuteness!!!  And the bow tie???  Ahhhh!

I grabbed Gavin and bolted over to Brooklyn's concert, making it just in time for her second dance.  She's really enjoyed being able to take dance at school.  You can tell by watching her face that she loves dancing!

This was Preston's first piano recital!  I even got to play a duet with him on Jingle Bells!

A few pre-recital pics~~ adorable Christmas tree costume!  Hayden loved the little golden gloves!
Our little neighbor girl, Reagan
For their first number, they danced to Frosty the Snowman.  I could barely see Hayden at all, since she was in the back row and is one of the smallest girls. :(  Their second dance was to Wonderful Christmas Time.
Hayden's ballet teacher, Sister Jones
Hayden doesn't mind all the attention ONE BIT!  I think she said something along the lines of "Don't forget to get me flowers!" haha

Choir concert #2 for Brooklyn.  They did a great mix of fun and sacred music.  Brooklyn really loves participating in choir!
It hard to see her, but Brooklyn is above the piano

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