Sunday, December 27, 2015

PrEsToN's birthday

For birthday dessert, he requested chocolate lava cake with ice cream on top!  I had fun making these little individual servings and they turned out delicious!
He's kind of a little bit obsessed with Star Wars at the moment (thanks to the new Force Awakens movie) so you'll see a theme here for his gifts; R2D2 watch, Star Wars Legos and a Kylo Ren light saber that glows and makes sounds.
He also got this super cool Flash Rider 360 to add to the parking lot of riding toys we have!  The back wheels are casters so you can spin all the way around.  Perfect for this wild and crazy dude!

Preston is boisterous, full of energy, a smarty pants know-it-all who asks a million questions a day about the most RANDOM things!  His mind is constantly spinning, observing every aspect of the world around him.  He has done remarkably well in 1st grade thus far, his teacher is very complementary of him in the classroom.  Preston is fiercely protective of his little sister but also loves to torture her.  He is probably one of the most adventurous eaters of all our kids.  One of his favorite foods is avocados, especially in guacamole form. He still does not like loud noises at all- he's terrified of balloons popping, fireworks and indoor sports arenas, which is ironic considering how loud he is all the time!  He loves Legos, Star Wars, video games, being read to (he's starting to read chapter books on his own!), jumping on the trampoline and being outside in general.  He says he wants to be a biochemical engineer when he grows up!  WE love YOU Preston Milo!

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