Monday, January 28, 2008

It's done!

My babies are registered for KINDERGARTEN!!!

Brooklyn and Blake will be attending the same elementary school that I did! :) It's not your typical neighborhood school; it's a bit more advanced curriculum based on a back to basics approach to education. Heavy parental involvement is required, which has phenomenal benefits. We have made the decision to keep them in the same classroom together for kindergarten and they will be attending full-day. I'm glad that we had those choices!

I'm really excited about the fact that Brooklyn and Blake are starting kindergarten, but I'm a little anxious and nervous too! I'm realizing just how overprotective of my kids I am!! They have never been away from me like they will be when they start school, 6.5 hours each day! They'll be eating lunch (that I pack everyday) on their own, playing on a playground without my supervision, etc. On the other hand, it'll be nice to have one-on-one time with Gavin. Heck, I don't even know what it's LIKE to have just ONE child with me all day long! I'm really looking forward to that part, actually! :)

Having to be up and out of the house really early this morning gave me a bit of perspective about what things will be like in the Fall. I drug the kids out to the car before 7:00am, still in their pjs, and dropped them off at Grandma's while I went to register them. After picking them up, we ran a couple errands and on our way home, not even NOON yet and all three kids are asleep in their carseats!!!! When we arrived home, I transferred each child to their own sleeping location. Brooklyn promptly awoke and told me kids don't take naps in the daytime!! She was grouchy as can be and it didn't take long after I laid down with her for her to fall back to sleep! So, we ALL got naps this afternoon and consequently had an extremely late lunch. We're sure going to be in shock when we have to adjust our schedule before school starts! It's going to be a big adjustment, I know!

I can't believe I have kids going to kindergarten!!! Makes me feel OLD!!


Carrie Anne said...

I cannot believe they are that old either! Holy cow! Time has really flown by, and I can't believe it...I haven't faced it yet, because I'm still in denial, and I don't know where we'll be. I have all the same feelings of excitement and anxiety!:)

Stacy said...

Thats so cute.. your not old!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

That is just insane that B&B are going to school already! I can't even imagine Abby being in school...EVER. Is that strange? I could never imagine her walking before and she does that now, so I suppose time just keeps moving whether I imagine it or not. :oP

Trenda said...

Wow! Since Cade's birthday is in Sept. he won't even be going to kindergarten until Sept. 2010! He will for sure be ready by then and so will I!!

Emily said...

I loved seeing pictures of them as babies. I've never seen them that little. Very very cute indeed.

Underwood's in Cali said...

Kindergarten all ready? How crazy is that? You're going to be so bored with only one child, how will you fill the time? umm.. blog, read, watch tv, clean(yeah right) cook, shop.