Like I mentioned before in my Christmas post, we've been having some issues with sharing, particularly Blake. Blake kindly helps himself to Gavin's toys, claiming that Gavin "let" him play with whatever toy he has. Sometimes, Gavin doesn't mind, but other times, Gavin wants his toy and rightfully so! But, the SECOND Gavin touches one of Blake's toys, Blake flips out!!! Someone please tell me how that equals out????!? I'm confused.
Anyway, so today during Gavin's naptime, I got his new Little People airport all set up and ready for him to play with. Of course, I couldn't keep Blake away from it. After Gavin woke up from his nap, he decided he wanted to play with Blake's lego Thomas trains and what did Blake do? He BIT Gavin on the back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ooooh, I was furious!!! This little wound may look small, but boy did Gavin scream!
yikes! That looks like it hurts I feel Gavin's pain... my sisters and I had the same fights but with clothes... so unfair!
I love to hear that things like this happen at other people's houses!!!! Daxton is the one that bites at my house. I don't know how to fix that problem either. It is hard being a mom, I agree. You wonder what you have done so wrong to make them mean, but I guess when they are being nice to each other then it all pays off! Good luck. I just think that is part of having siblings!
can i laugh until my kids do something like that? i can't believe blake bit gavin and i'm really laughing that you put his toys in time out. HA HA that's AWESOME!
I agree. Today I had some friends over for lunch and Hunter gave Max a blody nose!
And the whole sharing thing is getting TOTAL ridiculous in my house. I tried setting the timer so everyone was sharing and getting a turn. Well, now everytime one of them picks up a toy, and the other one has had nothing to do with it in like a week, they say mom, you need to set the timer. And then all hell breaks loose b/c Hunter really has anxiety issues with setting the timer. OH the woes, the woes.
We have the same problems only it is usually Macey that does all of the biting, pinching, slapping, etc. She can be one mean little girl. If you figure anything out, let me know.
Sometimes I wish I could just take all the toys away and see if the kids can have fun's amazing what we have to do to keep best solution so far (though not full-proof, and it's taken time to stick) is to teach the kids to use their words to ask before they take...if the kid says no, then they have to wait...even when someone takes away a toy, I emphasize to the "victim" that they have to say "please give me my toy back" rather than cry...if the kid that took it doesn't give it back, then they get a consequence for not complying with a polite request of the owner. I emphasize the communication of sharing rather than the part about giving up toys...somehow the kids seem to think it's fair when they get the choice as long as they talk first...
I think you are doing the right things...just being consistent is the best thing, and the way to stop a bad behavior is to put them in time out or take things away.:) Do what Super Nanny does...she always seems to work miracles!:) Good luck...I know it's so not fun! Is Blake feeling better with his new diet? Sometimes kids act out when they don't feel right inside or there's a I know what I'm talking about...I just throw out ideas.:) You're doing great, though, so way to be a super mom!:)
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