Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Guess who is wearing undies???


Do you like the "I'm on a mission" statement on his Little Einsteins underwear? I think that about sums it up!

Yesterday, my BIG BOY told me, "NO MORE DIAPERS!" So I ran with it and put undies on him for the rest of the evening and stayed dry.

Today, I counted as DAY 1 of "maybe" potty training. Honestly, I'm just going to use this week or so to gauge if he's really ready to do this, so I won't call it official yet. I think that since Gavin is advanced with his verbal communication, and he has two examples of how to do the potty thing, we may be able to have success at an early age with this one.

My theory on potty training is this:
- Let the child run around in nothing but underwear all day long.
- Give the child an overabundance of watered down juice (or whatever liquid the child will suck down) to get the "juices" flowin' freely.
- Let the child learn that feeling wet/poopy undies are icky.
- Let the child become aware of that urgency to go and be able to control it long enough to get to the potty. This means let the child have accidents, not setting a timer and taking the child to the potty every 20 minutes.
- If the child has made progress within a week, you're on your way! If not, try again at a later time.
- I honestly believe that if a child is ready, s/he will potty train quickly. If not, it'll take months and months and months to achieve.
- And most importantly, not only must the child be ready to potty train, the parent must be ready for the undertaking of this momentous task.

(BTW, Brooklyn and Blake were 3.5 years old when they potty trained in roughly one week.)

SO, day 1 went GREAT!!! I rolled up my rug, got out my trusty Bissell SpotLifter, and let Gav run in his undies all day (oh, and so did the twins! LOL!). We had a grand total of one poop accident and two pee accidents, one after which I had just said to Matt, "Gavin will need to go potty soon...." On the other hand, Gavin pee-peed in the toilet FOUR times!!!! Yes, I took him each time, but we're just at the beginning of this process. He is actually starting to recognize that his body is doing something instead of being completely clueless! Gavin gets one jelly bean for each successful pee and a Cars die-cast car as incentive to poop.

Overall, I'd consider this day a success! :) Tomorrow should be interesting, though. B&B have tumbling class in the morning and t-ball practice in the late afternoon, which means we'll be out of the house a lot. I think I'll just keep his undies on under his diaper so he can still feel the yuckiness if he goes.

Wish us luck! I'll keep updating on our "maybe" potty training progress.


Jenna said...

I'm so glad for you!!!! I pray that Nathan will be so easy!!! We've finally decided that Brinna has become resistant at potty training, so we've stopped completely...we'll try again in a couple of's amazing...she's so stubborn!!!! She'll do it for candy...but change that up, and no more potty training! AAAGGGGHHH!!!! She's totally able, just not willing and doesn't care about messes--underwear or pull-ups! Great ideas on potty training...

Weston & Jennie said...

Oh, I so wish that I had the energy to start with Macey. I think that she could do it if I just had an ounce of desire. :( Maybe your success will spur me into action.

Heather said...

Hi Lindsay,
It's good to hear from you! Your kids are adorable. Last time I saw you guys the twins were only a few months old. How exciting that Matt is almost done with school!!

Melanie said...

Hey Lindsay~ remember me? Melanie Jorgensen here. I found your blog on Heathers! How are you?? Your family is adorable! And twins! Must be lots of fun. Hope you guys are doing well!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Thanks for the pointers. We're not quite there yet, but someday soon, I hope. :o)

Thanks also for checking in on me. :o)

Underwood's in Cali said...

I can't believe gavin is doing so well. AJ still refuses to go on the potty and i can pretty much say ditto to Jenna's comments. He doesn't care at all, but I am so SICK of changing his diaper.

Carrie Anne said...

Way to go! I agree with you on everything! I hope the weeks continues to go well...he'll get it quicker because he has those older siblings to help him out. Love the Easter pics!

Michelle said...

Go Gavin! What a stud!!! :) Love the pics, as always! Good luck to you! Oh, and I have an appointment Monday - doc should tell me when I get an ultrasound - so yes, we will be finding out soon! Hooray!!!!

Heather said...

I'm trying to get up the courage to start potty training Jada. Kishawn, 5 years old, still poops in his pants about once a week. Between him and the new puppy Brad brought home, I just don't want to deal with any more. It's much easier cleaning up a diaper. I know, I'm lazy. Maybe someday, I'll start with her. Haha. Congrats on getting yours trained. Your kids are adorable!