Yesterday marked the end of summer. Well, I guess I should say summer
vacation because there definitely is not an end in sight for summer
temps!We've had a really good summer and I honestly have enjoyed doing things with the kids. It seems like it all flew by too fast but those last couple days, I *finally* got to the point where I was ready for them to go back to school and they were more than ready for a break from each other. I loved being lazy if we wanted to, but everyone does thrive better on a structured routine.
I kinda feel bad that this is the third school in three years that the twins have attended. Between not knowing exactly where we'd be living (kindergarten) and having to settle for the neighborhood school while we were on a waiting list for another school (1st grade), I'm glad we've finally settled in and they can stay put for awhile! We drove by the school grounds frequently during the summer, watching the construction progress and wondering if it would actually be done on time!!! Luckily it was ready to go for the open house on Friday, although the gym/cafeteria still won't be complete for a couple more weeks. The campus is really beautiful and I'm excited to be there and to get involved.
Brooklyn and Blake were very excited to go back to school. I think Brooklyn was even MORE excited when we recognized 5 familiar names on her class list on meet the teacher night, one being a really good friend from our previous school last year!!! Blake and Brooklyn are in separate classes again this year. I think their teachers are a good fit for them based off of first impressions.
2nd GRADERS!!!
(that's what the two fingers are for)

Yes, they are totally holding hands {unprompted} in this picture.
Made my mommy heart flutter!!! I ♥ my twins!!
I splurged on shoes this year, letting them pick what THEY wanted since they don't have a choice on clothing. Of course they picked Sketchers Super Z-straps and Twinkle Toes, thanks to commercials they've seen on tv. And no, these aren't their only shoes. It's no secret, I like to spoil my kids
a little. ;)

And I HAD to do pigtails the first day of school!!! Who knows how much longer she's going to let me do those, or her hair at all for that matter?????

They each gave me a kiss then off they went, no looking back! Even though this is their third year of school, I still felt emotion rise in my throat as they walked away and found myself watching the clock all day, wondering what they were doing.

Gavin and Preston have already enjoyed the little bit more breathing space they have and only on day two, it's been easier to keep things under control with the house. Plus it'll be much easier running errands during the day minus a couple of crazies! ;) My favorite time with Gavin is while Preston is napping after lunch and he & I can curl up on the couch and read library books or lay on the floor to play a game. He's such a cutie and I know I'll miss him SO much next year when he starts kindergarten!!
Gavin had his very first day of preschool TODAY!!!

He's growing up so quickly and every time I look at him and see how tall he is, I can't believe he's going to be 5 soon. I swear, he was my chubby little thumb-sucking baby just yesterday!!

I'm too cheap to pay monthly to send him so thankfully we have set up a co-op deal with ladies and kids the same age from the ward. He goes twice a week for 2.5 hours. I will have the chance to teach every six weeks. Let me tell you, it was pretty weird only having one kid to tote around with me today.
We're starting a new thing this school year, reading scriptures together as a family (minus Preston for now) before everyone departs for the day. Matt and I both know that it's important to do this and we've been slackers up until this point. Hopefully starting now to get in the habit will be beneficial to us all.
About the uniform deal -- originally I was dead set against my kids ever wearing uniforms simply because I like shopping for my kids too much. And for those clothes to only get worn on weekends just hurts my heart. LOL! Of course it's a requirement to wear uniforms at the new school Brooklyn and Blake are attending and we want them there so I sucked it up and bought {too many} uniform shirts, shorts, pants, skirts, dresses, etc.
BUT I do have to tell you how stinking cute all those preppy little kids looked on the first day of school! I was oohing and aahing at all the different combinations of outfits and hair accessories and shoes.