I made plans to keep us pretty busy so we wouldn't go insane. I didn't take pictures this week which was kind of a rebellious move for me. I usually regret it and I do, but it was kinda nice just to go about our days without documenting every move. Makes for a pretty boring blog post, though! ;)
On Monday, we spent a good majority of the day cleaning so I wouldn't feel guilty about going and doing the rest of the week. After Brooklyn had dance, I picked up pizza and we had a movie night at home.
Tuesday morning we went to the library, checked out a bunch of books and went to Target. The library is NOT Preston's favorite place to be. I tried my best to keep him contained in the stroller by giving him DumDum suckers while I was browsing the shelves for books. Blake had a friend's birthday party that evening and I took the other three kids to the ward garden to pick corn.
Wednesday morning we met Jen, Josh, Emily & Adam at the "dumping cup" pool, as my kids call it. We played in the water for a good 4 hours or so before heading home. That night, we had dinner at the Turner's house, another Scout camp widow for the week. ;)
Thursday morning, I may have had a moment of temporary insanity when I allowed each of the kids to invite a friend over to play! It was pretty loud but they all had a great time. :) Blake had karate that afternoon and on the way over, Preston puked up watermelon all over. I got to test the wipeability of the leather seats in our Suburban, which I was very thankful for at that moment!! I had Bunko that night so I got a sitter to come stay with the kiddos. I needed, no DESERVED, a little time away!!
Friday morning I dropped Preston off at a friend's house and I took the older three to the movie theater as a treat for surviving the week. We were the ONLY ones in the theater to see Kung Fu Panda 2!! That night was Brooklyn's dance dress rehearsal and let's just say it was a loooooong night!!
We sure were happy to see Daddy's face, albeit a hairy one, when he walked in the door Saturday morning!! He made me hurry up and take this picture so he could get upstairs to shower and shave it all off!

Matt's turn to jot down a few notes about his experiences at camp...

We met Monday morning at 2:30am so as to get to base camp in time for the opening games. We had 16 boys in our ward attend and a large number of leaders to help with covering time at camp. The opening games were a lot of fun. They had a 2 person saw competition, jousting, rocket making, blow darts, Wall climb and other COPE games. The boys enjoyed themselves a lot.
After 7 miles we stopped near a dried up lake where we ate lunch, taught Commission 1 of the kodiak program and had a competition with our homemade sling shots. We initially wanted to use black powder rifles here, but with the fire restrictions we had the boys last minute make their own sling shots. The boys thoroughly enjoyed making sling shots. Some of them made 3-4.

The hike was difficult and broke the boys down physically(exactly what I wanted). Everyone was tired and sore. I was sore in places I had never been sore(mainly my hips). As Jordan prepared our backpacking meal, I had each boy come sit down with me as I attended to their feet.
The next morning was the end of our hike(~3 miles) and my boys were packed and walking out at 6:30am. We finished with a raft building competition which the boys enjoyed.
We arrived at base camp about 10:00am and I thoroughly enjoyed the shower that was waiting for me. The boys had free time where they shot guns at the gun range, but they were all eager to return to camp and work on survival bracelets. I had learned how to do it and then taught Tyler Fairbanks how to do it. Who would have thought it would be such a big hit! It spread like fire in our ward and before we knew it Tyler Fairbanks and few other boys had helped make ~50 bracelets for a number of boys outside our camp.
That night we had our Stake Fireside. Our boys did a skit on Virtue where a small deacon beat some older ventures and their leader at stick pull because of his "inner strength", his virtue.
Friday we woke up early and started a service project that pulled all vegetation and rocks from the bank of Lake Mary and covered it will fine gravel creating a beach. Later that afternoon we had our camp games which ended up being fantastic. Our boys did great competing. Some of them have no idea how strong they are. Our little ward took on one of the more arrogant wards in Tug-o-war. Christian Francisco was our anchor. We knew if Christian could get to the tree behind us we would win. As the boys tugged and pulled the rope with all their might, myself and the other leaders were yelling encouraging words to the boys to give their all. We couldn't touch the rope or pull for them, but we could instruct and encourage to our hearts content. Bishop even got in on the action. We beat them every single time!(Bro Madsen related this experience to the Iron Rod and the Tree of Life).

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