I started a blog post two months ago entitled 'Am I really doing this?!' about Preston basically wanting to potty train himself and never finished or posted it. I've NEVER had a child do such a thing! It took me by surprise and I decided to run with it for the first week to see if it was worth it.
I was pretty skeptical that it would work because none of my other kids trained until after 3 years old. And I wasn't going to be playing any games. If he had accident after accident, we were going straight back to diapers, but Preston caught on so quickly and really didn't have many accidents at all! At home, he just ran around nakey all day. I just let him do his thing and he'd hustle to the potty when necessary. I still put a diaper on him when we were out and about, especially when we were in the thick of baseball season. We weren't always near a potty, he wasn't experienced enough to "hold it" and I didn't want to deal with public accidents. After time, I got more brave and we'd do undies in public for short periods of time or trips to family members houses where there was a potty nearby.
He even started staying dry during naptimes but was still wetting at night. I bought my last package of diapers probably a month ago. We were getting to the last couple diapers and I was wondering if this would be it... Well, these last two weeks, he started staying dry at night consistently so the past two nights, I've let him sleep overnight in underwear and he did GREAT!!!
I seriously still can't believe that it's been so EASY! Anywhere we go now, the pool, Target, etc., he lets me know if he has to go. He turned 2.5 years old two days ago and I think we can for sure say he's potty trained!!!!!
Funny things he says/does that are potty related:
-"Just one square?" referring to toilet paper. I started telling him that he could use one square to "wipe" or toss in the potty or whatever. He still has a tendency to go a little overboard on the TP if I'm not right there.
-"Mommy, get out!!!" when he needs to poop, even if we are in a public restroom stall! I just turn my back and hide in the corner. haha
-You should see this kid mount the potty! It's so hilarious to see him monkey his way up onto the seat.
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