Somebody please slow down time!! I can't believe it has already been a month since Hayden was born!! She honestly is such a pretty baby. I love staring at her, taking pictures of her, kissing her, snuggling her, dressing her up, etc., etc., etc.!!
5 days old, after first pediatrician appointment

{GIANT bow}

Brooklyn and Gavin especially ask to hold her a lot. Gavin always wants me to take his picture when he's holding Hayden. Brooklyn is such a great helper when the baby is crying and I can't get to her right away. It's nice to have older kids to help out this time around!!

Preston likes his baby sister a LOT. He is good at retrieving her binky and shoving it in her mouth when she's fussing and insists that she "wants her giraffe-y" and puts it on her. Haha!

He also likes to help burp her after a feeding (I hold her, he pats her back) and he's been successful at getting a burp out a few times! I think that makes him so proud! I have to remind him to be soft with her but overall, he's pretty good with her. He has become quite the little mischief maker while I'm stuck in the chair nursing the baby, but now he knows I'll get up and get him while she's still attached!!
She takes a binky, yay! She's about to outgrow newborn diapers and is fitting more solidly into her 0-3 month clothes.
First real bath~ 1/8/12She wasn't too sure at first, but settled down ok.

I can't decide if she'll be a swaddle baby like Preston was or not. I swaddle her for sleep times when we're home and that's usually her cue to settle down and zonk out. She seems to be trying to wiggle her arms out lately so I've tried giving her a little more freedom (looser swaddle, leave her arm out) but I'm not sure she sleeps as well. For now, she sleeps swaddled up in the bouncy seat.

I won't lie, adjusting to waking several times a night to tend to a baby is rough, any mom knows. I'm a grump if I don't get my eight hours of sleep and I'm not afraid to admit it. We've had a few fluke times where Hayden slept for five or six hours and it was glorious! BUT! It's usually still up every two hours, I sit in the chair to feed her for 30 minutes or so, then get back in bed. That leaves me with 1.5 hours of sleep at a time and it's brutal!! Since Preston doesn't take a nap anymore, it's hard for me to squeeze in a nap while he's running wild. I'm hoping that "we" can start sleeping better at night in the near future. ;)
Let's talk about her belly button, oh boy!! When she was born, we both noticed how much skin she had around the umbilical cord. It continued to shrink as days went on, but we were both a little concerned that she may have the biggest outie belly button EVER!! Her umbilical stump fell off when she was 2.5 weeks old and this is what we have left: a major OUTIE!! Maybe it'll discourage her from ever wearing a bikini? ;)

Oh, and she has a fairly large skin tag on her neck. We got the referral to a plastic surgeon from our pediatrician to get it checked out, but we haven't yet.
First smile~ 1/13/12I swear, I've had to wait closer to 6 weeks to get that first smile from my babies, so I couldn't believe when I got smiles from Hayden just after 4 weeks! Melts my heart! And I actually captured one on camera the same day~

See why I can't stop staring at her??! She's so adorable!!! We love her to pieces!!
One month stats:Weight- 9 lbs 9oz (52%)
Length- 21.75 in (79%)
Head circ- 15.25 in (97%)
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