Monday, January 30, 2012

Precious Moments

I'm writing this down because I never, ever want to forget it.

Last night, we had a sort-of testimony meeting at Matt's parents. The gist of it was to share when you first gained your own testimony. No one was required to share anything, it was open to whomever wanted to. All the adults (parents, sibs + spouses) took a turn and a few kiddos wanted to say a few words too. Originally, Gavin stood up in the middle to talk, but then quickly sat back in Matt's lap and buried his face. I didn't want to force anything, so I just left him alone. He is rather shy in that regard. I was pleasantly surprised when he stood back up a couple people later and proceeded to bear a short little testimony for the first time --

"I know the Church is true, I know Joseph Smith was a prophet, I know my mom loves me, I know Jesus loves all of us..."

I immediately flashed forward 13 years and could picture him as a missionary. He started to get emotional and I couldn't hold back the tears. I know he felt the Spirit and it was so neat to watch that. Gavin has such a tender spirit and I'm so glad he had the courage to share what was in his heart.

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