Friday, January 13, 2012

Gavin's 6th Birthday

(How embarrassing that he has toothpaste all down the front of his jacket!!!)

Six years ago today (also on Friday the 13th), Gavin joined our family! Everyone comments how sweet Gavin is, and it's true! He has always had the mildest disposition, right from the start. He has started to show some sassy behavior lately though... don't know if it's the age or a bad example from a certain older sister. *ahem*

Today after school, we went and picked up his birthday balloons, a fun tradition that we started several years ago, I guess. Then we met up with Kristin, Spencer and Sophie for lunch at Chick-fil-a. I'm pretty sure that's where we went last year too? The rest of the day was pretty typical. Except Gav had a little meltdown when he realized that no one (family) was coming over for his birthday. He quickly recovered when he saw me decorating his birthday cake as a Poké ball!! The cake was far from perfect, but Gavin loved it and that's all that matters! Matt was leaving for an overnight trip with the Young Men so before he left, we sang happy birthday to Gavin and let him blow out his candle.
I made Chinese food for dinner since Gavin originally said he wanted to go to Panda Express for dinner. (#1, I said no eating out for two meals in a row and #2, I'm not brave enough to tackle a fast food restaurant by myself with all 5 kiddos yet!) I figured that was close enough!! After dinner, we ate some cake and then he opened his birthday gifts. He got a play parachute, Cars 2 Wii game, Pokémon White version DS game, Toy Story 3 DS game, Pokémon cards, a Pokémon plush and a Poké ball that opens and has a tiny stuffed Pokémon character in it. Can you tell the boy is CrAzY about Pokémon???

His facial expressions as he opened each present were so funny!!
There is something special about Gavin. I can't put my finger on it; he just has such a sensitive spirit. Matt teases me that he is my favorite kid..... if there was such a thing! Maybe I do give in to Gavin moreso than I do/did with the twins. I sure love to cuddle with him, especially when he's upset about something. I love his smile and his freckles that splash across his nose and cheeks. I love his curly hair and his cute little giggle. Our family wouldn't be complete without him!

Happy Birthday, Bean!! We sure love you a ton!!!

Six year stats:
Weight- 42 lbs (28%)
Height- 45.25 in (46%)


mad white woman said...

I can't believe he's 6. What?

You are looking super great.

My babies do not sleep for photo shoots. Good thing I've never hired anyone to do one. Ha ha. :)

Beka said...

your kids are sooo OLD!!!

my youngest is my "favorite" right now - haha (jk but kind of b/c he's still "innocent"-(not really) and can get away with stuff b/c he's so little and doesn't talk or fight much

little Hayden is so adorable:)