Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam!

Well, since Preston turned three just before the end of the year, that meant today he got to go to PRIMARY!!! No more nursery for this little guy!
I was a little bit nervous how he'd do.... he pretty much loves nursery and since I'm still staying home with the baby for a few weeks, I wasn't there to take him to class or spy on him all during sharing time (I team-teach the class above Sunbeams). Brooklyn, Blake and Gavin were nearly 4 years old before they went to Primary since their birthdays are all at the beginning of the year, but Preston eeks in at barely 3 years old! I was a little worried how he would do. Apparently he went to class without hesitation and came home all excited about Sunbeams so I hope that's a good sign! :)

1 comment:

mad white woman said...

Not sure how I've missed all your posts since the one about Hayden... but, now I'm caught up. :) Clara's an end of year b-day too... and Hazel will be in that boat as well. It's funny to me that they can be in Sunbeams with kids almost a year older! Glad he did well.