A couple weeks ago
(has it really been that long already???), Matt got some sweet 'ole Diamondbacks tickets from work and was asked to find another optometrist to "wine & dine" for the evening. We ended up inviting the Moultons from our ward, which made it a lot more comfortable for me since we already knew them!

Thanks to THIS cute 'lil guy -----^
FINALLY taking a bottle
(after many days of hard work on Matt's part), Matt and I were able to enjoy our very first date night alone since the baby was born!! Thanks to those who split the baby/kidsitting duties!

I used to keep up with who was playing for the D-Backs, but since we were in California for a few years, I kinda lost touch so I wasn't familiar with any of the players. We quickly learned who were the fan favorites! I loved being up so close -- we were like 8 rows behind the D-Backs dugout along the third baseline!!
Sa-wing batta, batta!!

The windup....

Crazed fan runs thru the outfield. He laid right down on the field and security cuffed him. Idiot.

Typical baseball. *snort* Sorry dude, whoever you are!! I didn't actually mean to get a pic of you grabbing your jewels!!! Maybe I should sell this to a sports magazine. Haha!

Baxter the Bobcat, official mascot of the Diamondbacks.
I don't get it???? But I did get to slap him five! ;)

Too bad every time I attend a sporting event, it seems like our team loses, but we sure had fun root-root-rooting for the home team anyway!

cute picture of you! You guys are so good to get out. I'm sure being around family makes that much easier.
Hooray for date nights!
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