Two weekends ago was the annual Fathers & Sons camp out for our ward. Blake and Gavin were sooooooooooo excited for this overnighter!!!! Matt also graciously brought my brothers Heston (15), Cody (13) and Joshua (9) along since my parents were out of town celebrating their anniversary. Blake and Gavin came back dirty as ever! Good times.

Now on to the important stuff! ;)
Brooklyn had
BIG plans. I asked her to make a list of things she wanted to do while the boys were away and so she did!! I was bound and determined to make it a fun weekend for her and fun we had!!! I didn't even do an ounce of housework!!

Our handsome tag-a-long ;)

And you better believe I hauled my camera around with us and documented every second of our awesome girls night!!! ;)
First off, the
"craft store." We chose Michael's.
We perused the aisles, finding things to add to our projects stash at home.

We also discovered some fun crafty projects, all for $1 a piece! We saved those for our trip to the cabin the following weekend.
(more on that coming up in the next blog post)Next, everybody's favorite store,
Tarjay. That's fancy for Target.
{ala Fancy Nancy} 

Here, we picked up a seriously adorable shower curtain for Brooklyn's bathroom,

some cute brown sandals ~~ a summer must-have,

and just a
*few* other odds and ends.
You know how Target is. ;) I always walk outta there $100+ poorer!!
Dinnertime!!! Brooklyn picked where she wanted to eat --
Panda's! That's my girl!
We got a two entree plate of Orange Chicken & Beef w/ Broccoli to share. MmmmMMMmm!

Quick stop by Blockbuster to pick up a flick....

...then drive-thru McDs for some
hot fudge sundaes!! Love the little chocolate chin here!

Get home and put jammies on, grab snackies and snuggle in for movie night!

We headed off to bed about 10:20ish. Brooklyn got to sleep on Daddy's side of the bed to keep me company! We slept in nice and late, until 8:30am (thanks to Preston for cooperating!), had a leisurely breakfast and the fun continued!!
toenails AND

Playing the
She drives a mean Mario Kart! LOL!

Here was my one mommy goof of the weekend! At about 11:20am, I went to check my e-mail to be sure the t-ball party started at noon.
WHOOPS!!!! It had started at 11:00am!!!!!!!! So we raced around getting dressed and zipped over to Peter Piper Pizza (got there at noon) just in time for cake and trophies!

I let her get a few tokens to play some arcade games and we called it good. $7 worth of tokens, yielded enough tickets for an awesome slap bracelet and a fruity tootsie roll!
We came home and checked off the last item on our list, reading
Goldilicious. This was just newly released earlier that week and was eagerly anticipated! It joins Pinkalicious and Purplicious among favorite girlie books in our house. :)

Just as we were finishing up the book, we heard the garage door open. Our
BOYS were back!!
I'm so glad that I have a daughter to keep me company during Fathers and Sons. :) I'll look forward to that weekend every year, just as much as the boys do!
Love you, my sweet Beetle Bugs!! ♥♥♥
You are such a good mom. What an awesome tradition.
What a fun weekend! Makes me excited to have a girl someday:) We need to get together sometime---we are a little closer to queen creek:)
Wow! She is one lucky girl! :)
Hey Matt and Lindsay, I lost matt's 480 number and I would like to call him.
How fun! I seriosuly am so jealous that I didn't get to spend that time with Kylee. I really hope they think long and hard before they schedule Fathers and Sons the same weekend as Girls Camp. That was a bad idea and I missed having a GNO with my little girl. And really,having girls at Fathers and Sons is just weird. But they put us in that position.
Today was fun! Let's do it again soon. Hopefully Kylee is done with her kissing fetish. but really I don't blame her. Blake is a QT!
What a fun time! I am amazed at the list Brooklyn wrote...I had to double check that she had just "graduated" kindergarten! And, now I have some new books to go buy! My girls would love those!
Seriously, I'm ready for the Father & Son's weekend! This looks like fun! Oh wait! Everday for us is Girl's Night Out (just without the fun)!
I second Sara's comment. And Carrie's about the new books to buy. I have been wanting something new. Got any other good ideas on books? For me and the kids?
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