in front of my face, he goes stone cold on me!!
I'll admit it -- I'm a diaper SNOB! Pampers please!! {and Huggies wipes!} No cheapo generics for me!! (****disclaimer - I do not think any less of you if you choose to diaper your baby with the generic variety!!) I've been a Pampers user since Brooklyn and Blake were approx 9 months old. That's all Gavin ever wore from the day he was born til the day he was potty trained. I love those soft, sweet Pampers Swaddlers on my soft, sweet babies! Then it's onto to Pampers Baby Dry with the suuuuuuper streeeetchy tabs. Love 'em! Preston has been a Pampers-only baby..................... up until this week. For whatever reason, we have had poop explosions left and right, up and down, morning and night with my beloved Pampers dipes! I'm so dang sick of scrubbing poop stains out of clothes that something HAD to change. Like yesterday. So I borrowed a few Huggies diapers from my sis to try on the Presty-bum. They seemed to do alright so I went out and bought a honkin' huge box of Huggies dipes. First time Preston wore one overnight, poop up the back upon retrieving him from his bed in the morn. Did I mention the box has 126 diapers in it?!??!? Did I just waste $25?? I dunno, but I'm outta my mind about this diaper thing!!
Here's his cute little Huggies-clad bum anyhow :)
In other Preston news, he's such a happy little fella! Sometimes he's so nice and quiet I forget he's even here! He has become Mr. McGrabby, reaching out for glasses, jewelry, face parts, remotes, cell phones, etc. He also does this scratching thing that I absolutely love!! Especially when he does it to me while he's nursing. He's teething badly right now and we're just waiting for those top two teeth to bust through! It'll be any day now! We're still moving slowly in the baby food department. We've done oatmeal cereal, peas, butternut squash and bananas. I still get giddy every time I open my freezer and see all those little cubes of baby food!!
Brooklyn has taken to the big-sister-to-brother-#3 role quite nicely. She asks to hold him immediately upon me bringing him downstairs after naps. She loves just holding him on her lap or picking him up and carrying him around. *yikes* I had to get over myself and just allow her to mother him. She's actually made comments about how he's the perfect baby brother, etc. Far cry (no pun intended) from the wailing we heard back when we announced we were having a baby boy!! LOL!
He's like a little koala baby here!