Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Preston is 6 months old!!

Stop it right now!!! Time is flying by so fast and my "new" baby is growing up right before my eyes!!! I can't believe I have a 6 month old on my hands!!!!

He's doing all sorts of tricks and making all kinds of new noises these days.

Exhibit A: Sitting up all on his own!! A little wobbly still, but doing very well with this new skill.Exhibit B: "Choice" noises.... listen carefully........

{I tried to get a video of him clicking his tongue, but apparently he has performance anxiety. Perhaps he is saving up these awesome noises for a quiet moment during church.}

We had his 6 month well check last Monday and here are his stats~

Weight: 18 lbs 15 oz (71st %ile)
Length: 29 1/2 in (99th %ile)

Head Cir: 18 in (91st %ile)

He's a big, healthy boy!!! Since Preston is finally six months old, we decided to go ahead and start solid foods. I busted out the oatmeal cereal, pumped up some breastmilk and we were all set! :)


First bite

Whoops!! This gagging thing went on nearly every time the spoon went NEAR Preston's mouth! He even upchucked the majority of his previous feeding! I know I'm a bad mom, but I was totally laughing the whole time, poor little lamby!! It went MUCH better the second time around, this time mixing the cereal with water instead and making the mixture much more thick. I think he managed to swallow a bit this time. ;)

He'd better get the hang of this feeding thing QUICK because I've got almost 250 cubes of HOMEMADE baby food ready to go in the freezer!!!!

Peaches, bananas, sweet potatoes, green beans, pears, carrots, butternut squash, apples
Yep, that's right. I FINALLY did it!!! It took me until kid #4 to get up the courage to do this. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!!! I'm so proud of myself and have this immense sense of gratification that Preston will be getting fresh fruits and veggies, made with love by mommy! :)

Preston also took his first dip in the pool this past week and thoroughly enjoyed it. Another waterbug in the fam.Such a cutie! We sure love our Presty-boy!!! He brings our family such joy and we can't imagine life without him!!


Beka said...

ok, so are your boys look exactly the same---like little matts:) and look how prepared you are with all your frozen baby food! go Lindsay!

Kim Sandling said...

What a cutie you have! Nathan has that same Fly Guy outfit! It's one of my favorites!

I love the little sounds he made, and I too laughed so hard of the pictures of him with the rice cereal! I love the picture with the rice all over his face!

You are amazing to make all your baby food!

Can't wait to see you Friday!