Monday morning, Matt's car wouldn't start. And Mondays are his travel days for work, this one happened to be a day he would be working in Yuma. The company charters a plane for him and the ophthalmologists to fly to and from Yuma so they won't have to drive nearly 4 hours there and 4 hours back. So on this Monday morning, the kids and I dropped Matt off at the small municipal airport and had the chance to watch Daddy's "hairplane" take off. Then we got to pick him up later that afternoon and saw his plane "land down." (the quotes are Gavin-speak)
the photo above was taken before take off with my cell phone.
Although my day was rough after such an early morning jolt to the day, I'm glad the kids got to witness Daddy flying to work. We talk about it frequently, but it's another thing for them to be able to see it first-hand. :)

i was a little more prepared with my small camera for the video below.
I do have to admit that after two recent tragedies that hit a little close to home, both involving small planes, I'm a wee bit nervous the 2-3 times a month that Matt boards this teeny tiny plane to fly to work. I try not to concentrate too much about it throughout the day because I don't want to live my life in fear that something might happen to him. For now, I'm just grateful he DOESN'T have to drive an extra 8 hours roundtrip to get to work and back those days!!
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