Monday, December 7, 2009

Catching up with the Advent Fairy

*Day 4: Mommy and Brooklyn get dressed up and go
see the Nutcracker ballet. Boys have a little fun of their own!

I've been dreaming about the day when I would be able to take my girly to see the Nutcracker. I have fond memories of going with my Grandma. Now that Brooklyn is actually taking ballet classes, I knew she'd just be enamored. And she was!!! We even saw one of her ballet instructors on stage!
Her souvenir, a mini snow globe with Clara holding the Nutcracker doll. We also got her yearly ornament for the tree.
*Day 5: Decorate the house while listening to Christmas music then take a break for a holiday parade!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllll, decorating kinda didn't happen because this was a ~CRAZY~ busy day, but we did follow through with the fairy's orders and go see the parade!! Pretty much your standard, run of the mill deal with soldiers, scouts, horsies and dancers but best of all SANTA!!!I took family pictures for Matt's sister (Jen) and her family that afternoon and they so graciously offered us Suns tickets for the game that night!!! Funny how a "free" date night gets expensive REALLY fast!! (babysitter, parking, dinner/dessert/$4 bottles of water) We had a blast though in our comfy Lexus club seats and best of all, the Suns WON!!! Plus since they scored over 99 points, everyone got two free tacos from Jack in the Box - my fave!
*Day 6: Read the First Presidency Christmas message from the Friend magazine
Isn't it funny how a simple lesson turns into a humongous ordeal??? The message is obviously about remembering the Savior at this time of the year; it's not about the gifts, decorations, food, etc. But Brooklyn just had the HARDEST time, saying "I can't think about Jesus, all I can think about is getting presents!!" and ended up in tears. It's so difficult being a parent sometimes, trying to make sure your kids are catching the true spirit of Christmas when they are so darn excited to get new toys! *sigh* We're working on it.

BTW, I'm in love with this month's Friend magazine! So many GOOD stories and activities fill the pages. We plan on putting it to heavy use this month.


Carrie Anne said...

i love that you are doing the advent fairy! what fun things you are doing!
i keep forgetting to respond about the peppermint oreos!!! i found some at walmart this year BUT they have crunchies in them this year so i'm not as into them...i don't like the crunchies in all the peppermint stuff. AND i'm not into the mint M&Ms anymore b/c they taste too much like toothpaste to me now...must be having another kid or something. anyway, maybe you can find some oreos & try them out. i can't wait to see what other fun advent things you do!!!! i'm taking bee to the nutcracker & james is playing with the live times!!!

mad white woman said...

You guys have fun all the time. Can I come live at your house? :)

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

So funny, as I was just thinking today how I can't wait to take Abby to see The Nutcracker. Couple more years still, I'm sure.

Very fun ideas & thanks for the reminder on reading the Friend. I haven't opened ours yet with everything thats been going on.