Day 7~ Pick out the *perfect* Christmas tree. Get a fun treat afterward!Yesterday for FHE, we headed over to a local nursery to pick out our Christmas tree.

After we got the tree set up, we enjoyed a fun treat --> munchkins & hot chocolate!

We also picked up a couple of these babies...... {blackberries} They don't look like much now, but in a couple years, the bushes should be overflowing!

Day 8~ Get out all those ornaments and decorate the Christmas treeTuesday, after we let our tree settle overnight, we started the decorating process. I say process because it took a couple days to get it completed. And even now that it's "done," it never looks the same day to day due to a few helpers that rearrange things when I'm not looking! I have been a
*little* sloooooooooooow getting new ornaments for the kids this year. Even at this point, Brooklyn is up, Preston's just arrived in the mail and I haven't decided what to get for the two other boys. :/

Always the first ornament to go on our tree! Matt MADE this our first Christmas together!

All of our "FIRST" Christmas ornaments have been Precious Moments; our first year married and each of the kids' Baby's 1st Christmas ornaments. Kinda fun! Here's Preston's for this year-

And Brooklyn's ornament from Nutcracker ballet. This one had to undergo reconstructive surgery because the little miss dropped the ornament on the TILE which caused the head and arms to break off. A little super glue later and we were good to go!

I LOVE the way that a live Christmas tree makes the house smell. I told Matt that the ONLY way I would consider getting an artificial tree is if we have TWO trees; one to be pretty and the other as our fun family tree. I've been surprised so far that Preston has left the tree alone for the most part. We put the tree in the living room instead of the family room like last year just so it's out of sight out of mind for him. He has been a little intrigued by this tall, sparkly thing that doesn't normally reside in our home. Little stinker!
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