Day 14 & 15 weren't anything exciting (FHE story from the Friend mag/helping Mommy prep Christmas cards for the mail) and I don't have any pictures. Moving along now! :)
Today, the advent fairy left a note telling us to
"Bake and decorate gingerbread boy & girl cookies!"
The dough had already been mysteriously made ;) so the kids helped roll it out and cut the shapes. They baked in the oven and we let them cool while we ate dinner.

Then we got to decorating!!

Yes, the boys are often found shirtless or running about in their unders. Even in December. Thank goodness we live in Arizona and it's not
THAT cold outside!

Even this little tyke got to try his very first gingerbread cookie!!

He kept turning it over and over in his hands like, 'What am I supposed to do with this??!' Then he took a bite. And the rest is history!! He finished the ENTIRE thing!!!!
With all my health issues & our pending move our house has not been filled with the Christmas Spirit. I must say that reading your blog makes me wish I was hanging out in your home this holiday versus my own. You do an amazing job as a wife & Mom, Lindsay. I really enjoy reading your blog.
If you have a good gingerbread recipe, I need it. Mine was gross. :) I love what you are doing with the advent fairy. Too cute and too much fun for me.
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