Monday, February 8, 2010

FaVoRiTeS -- Twin Edition

Just for fun, I asked the twinners about some of their "favorites." I swiped this idea and questions from another mom's blog. {blush}

I started with Blake first......

Me: What's your favorite color?
Blake: Blue
Me: What's your favorite thing about 1st grade?
Blake: Cubes.
Me: What's cubes?
Blake: You can make R2's. [referring to R2D2 from Star Wars]
Me: Oooookay. What's your favorite thing to do after school?
Blake: Homework.
Me: Really? (I think he just answered this way because he knows that's the first thing we *do* after school)
Blake: No, actually play after I read.
Me: What's your favorite dessert?
Blake: ICE CREAM!!!
Me: Who are your friends?
Blake: Cameron, Kelvin, Cayman, Jimmy, Connor.....
Me: What's your favorite thing to do on the playground?
Blake: Play soccer.
Me: Oh, do we need to sign you up to play soccer?
Blake: I dunno, maybe flag football.
Me: What was the coolest thing about being 6?
Blake: Having new friends in first grade.
Me: Why are you excited to be 7?
Blake: Because I'm almost BATH-tized. {lol}
Me: What was your favorite birthday gift?
Me: What's your favorite movie?
Blake: Star Wars III
Me: Why #3?
Blake: Because Anakin turns in to Darth Vaderrrrrrrrrr!
Me: What is your favorite toy?
Blake: Bakugan and Legos
Me: What's your favorite drink?
Blake: Milk
Me: What's your favorite thing to do outside?
Blake: Play on the swing set :)

Then Brooklyn......

Me: What's your favorite color?
Brooklyn: Can I do three cuz I only have three. Blue, pink and purple.
Me: What's your favorite thing about 1st grade?
Brooklyn: Fun Friday
Me: What's your favorite food?
Brooklyn: Spaghetti!
Me: What's your favorite thing to do after school?
Brooklyn: Go on the swing set
Me: What's your favorite dessert?
Brooklyn: Doughnuts
Me: Who are your friends?
Brooklyn: Xerianna, Elizabeth C., Danny, Jacob, Krystal, Madelyn O., Madelynn H........(this girl could go on forEVER!! little social butterfly!)
Me: What's your favorite thing to do in the playground?
Brooklyn: Monkey bars!
Me: What was the coolest thing about being 6?
Brooklyn: Being taller than Blake.
Me: But you've always been taller than Blake.
Brooklyn: I have? Every day? Every second? Every MINUTE???
Me: Why are you excited about being 7?
Brooklyn: Because I'm getting close to being baptized.
Me: What was your favorite birthday gift? (haha, her ONLY gift!)
Brooklyn: LANIE!!!
Me: What is your favorite movie?
Brooklyn: Barbie Fairytopia.
Me: But you just got that for your birthday! How that can be your favorite movie already? Would you watch it every day until you die???
Brooklyn: Ok fine, Ariel. The Little Mermaid II.
Me: What is your favorite toy?
Brooklyn: Littlest Pet Shop
Me: What's your favorite drink?
Brooklyn: Fruit punch
Me: What's your favorite thing to do outside?
Brooklyn: Well I kinda already said this, but swinging on the swing set.

It was a lot of fun quizzing them and listening to what their answers were. I think I need to make this a yearly birthday tradition with each of the kids! :)


Carrie Anne said...

i think this is an awesome idea! big james has found TAPES where his dad recorded them answering questions from him & it's so funny to hear their voices!! when he was a kid...a teenager...priceless!

brittney larson said...

haha, this is SO cute linds. i can hear them answering those questions :) brooklyn had some super cute/funny answers. love those kiddos!