Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh, this boy.......

He's giving me a run for my money!!!! None of my other kids were this "active," I swear!!

He loves to empty the trashcan or place random items inside, fling folded laundry off the couch or empty the silverware from the dishwasher faster than I can load it.

He KNOWS if that gate at the bottom of the stairs or the sliding glass door to the backyard is left open.

He can now reach the top of the table and counter tops so nothing can be left along the edges.
A favorite "seat," when he's not tossing diapers all over the floor
or pulling all the baby wipes out of their container.His most recent word is HAT, illustrated by the picture below. ANYthing can be a hat; a sippy cup, a piece of paper, a plate that used to have his dinner all over it..........or a nursing pad, which started the whole thing. ;) Yarmulke, anyone???
Preston's most favoritest thing to do when we get back from walking the twins to the bus stop or coming in from the car is to press the button to close the garage door. Love these chubby little fingers!!!!
He's just a few days shy of 14 months and still isn't walking yet. Following in the footsteps (pun intended!) of his siblings, who walked around 15 months on average. He is standing on his own, unassisted, for good amounts of time and he can push himself to standing in the middle of the room. Just the other day, he actually FINALLY walked behind a push-toy for the very first time!! Before, he'd have nothing to do with them when he found out they moved.

Good thing this little stinker is so darn cute!!!! ;)

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