This day, seven years ago, I became a mom for the first time!!
(poor quality scanned pic and I look like a train wreck after giving birth via c-section)

I sent the twins off to school this morning, promising them that I would bring them lunch. I got busy baking cupcakes to take into their classrooms and ended up running a little late. I was completely frazzled as I drove halfway to McDonalds, turned around and went to Burger King instead. I wanted to call the school, but I forgot my cell phone. I race through the drivethru and over to the school, 15 minutes after lunch had started. As I burst into the office, the front desk lady asks me if I was Brooklyn and Blake's mom, tells me that I'd better hurry because they were just giving my babies cheese sandwiches. :( I felt sooooooo bad. Then I could tell that Brooklyn had been crying because she thought I forgot. Worst mommy of the year award right here!! When their teachers came to gather their classes, I explained that I was keeping them for a bit longer until they finished their lunches. Everyone was all smiles now, but I still felt rotten inside. *sigh*

I let Gav go with Brooklyn and Blake back to their classrooms as I ran out to the car to get the cupcakes. It was so cute to see them in their school environments. They each were sung to by their classmates and the chocolate chip cupcakes were devoured.

After school, Blake headed to another friend's birthday party for a bit. When he got back, we had spaghetti for dinner (Brooklyn's favorite!) and then headed over to Yogurt Jungle for dessert.

Brooklyn fuh-REAKED when she opened her
★AMERICAN GIRL DOLL!!!!! She's been poring over these catalogs for months and months and I always wanted one as a girl. I convinced Matt that Brooklyn neeeeeeded one and she picked which one was her favorite so I could make the purchase. I practically had tears in my eyes watching her spaz out over her new doll! She was so surprised and immediately in love with Lanie.

Me with my first babies
Brooklyn is 100% girly-girl and I LOVE it!! I'm so glad I have at least one girl of my own. She still wears hairbows and tutus and I'll milk that for as long as I can! She loves wearing jewelry and can't wait to get her ears pierced next year when she turns 8. Brooklyn does well in school and her handwriting is awesome. She likes to read and draw. She's enjoying her ballet class and we're hoping to add another dance class very soon as well as starting piano lessons. Of course, she comes with a little bit of drama too. Brooklyn can throw one mean tantrum!!!!! And she is a very good boss over her brothers. ;) But we love her lots and lots!
Blake is a smarty pants. Literally. He was tested for the gifted program at school and scored @ the 97th %ile. He has a hard time focusing on homework because I think he's just plain bored with it, like why should I have to do this when I already know it? He's super good at math in his head. He doesn't get that from ME!!!! I think Blake has found his niche in karate. He remembers the drills and combinations easily. The kid is also good at Legos!!! It doesn't take him long to put together a huge set! He can be a perfectionist and is a bit stubborn at times, but he's our Blakey boy!!
It's fun to look back over the years and see how they've evolved from babies into big kids!! I can't believe next year they will be getting baptized, which makes me feel OLD
(even though I'll only be 28)!
few days

1 year

2 years

3 years

4 years

5 years

6 years

7 years

Brooklyn and Blake are such good kids and we're lucky to have them as our firstborns. ;) We've learned a lot in the last 7 years of being parents and we know we have so much coming up ahead of us! We love you guys so much!!!
Lindsay, I can't even believe you have 4 beautiful kids! And Brooke and Blake are 7 already, how time flies. :) They are so adorable. Happy Birthday to them!
It looks like everyone had fun! I can't believe that they are 7! Good work on the parties! Hope everything else is going well for you guys!
I love how you split the 2 parties in half! That was great. Have fun with the girl side of things, because it might not last.... then again, it might just last! lol
I also loved the lego cake! I never thought of doing that.... I'm keeping that in my memory bank for sure! Boys and their LEGOS. Even my husband has a Big HUGE box of them. And I'm talking about a 2 foot high, by 2 feet long, by 1 1/2 foot wide! Have fun with the boy side too!
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