Brooklyn and Blake moved from 5 point harness car seats to high back belt positioning boosters at 7 years old. Brooklyn had finally hit the height limit on hers (shoulders above the top harness slot) and although Blake still had a way to go before officially outgrowing his, Matt insisted that he be in a booster like his twin sister. Neither of them were close to surpassing the 65 lb weight limit. Blake's still just a mere 42 lbs!!!
Preston finally moved out of his infant car seat into Brooklyn's former car seat, but is still rear-facing. Yes, I know he's over 1 year and he weighs 23 lbs, but the longer you can keep a child rear-facing the safer it is. And he doesn't know any different. Yes, a Nazi, I know.
Bella is still rear facing in my car, bu forward facing in daddy's. He drives a little civic, so rear facing doesn't work well with the bigger car-seat. we don't use his car often, but I demande both cars have a car seat.
he keeps suggesting we turn her around, that somehow it would be "easier". but, I say, she's fine rear facing, and if she can't SEE me, she's less likely to WANT me.. KWIM?
BTW - i swear your kids are growing so fast!
wow- i havent read your blog forever, but i loved reading all about your twins birthday, them, etc. i love seeing all your fun pics you take of them-you are such a good organized mommy! we need to get together again!
Poor Gavin got the car seat shaft! I bet Preston is loving his new seat!
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