Sunday, February 14, 2010

L♥VE Day

LOVE Old Navy flip flops

LOVE Hot Tamales

LOVE Disneyland

LOVE sleeping in

LOVE a good shopping spree

LOVE trying new recipes

LOVE Target

LOVE Pampers diapers, but Huggies wipes

LOVE a good chick flick

LOVE playing softball (although it's been awhile)

LOVE our garden

LOVE taking my kids places like museums, cultural events, theme parks

LOVE a long, hot shower

LOVE tulips

LOVE hearing my kids giggle

LOVE Sonic LeMoN BeRrY slushes

LOVE taking pictures

LOVE kitchen gadgets (ie: my new garlic press)

LOVE Starburst Jellybeans

LOVE a clean house (as rare as it may be)

LOVE listening to music

LOVE cherry ICEEs

LOVE being pampered (doesn't happen often enough!)

LOVE Clorox cleaning wipes

LOVE clipping fingernails & popping zits

LOVE the rain

LOVE buying children's books and reading to my kids

LOVE Golden Spoon blackberry frozen yogurt

LOVE laying in my backyard on a blanket on a beautiful sunny day

LOVE celeb gossip magazines

LOVE baking (and eating) cookies

LOVE lazy days

LOVE watching the Bachelor, Biggest Loser, Amazing Race, So You Think You Can Dance

But most of all, I LOVE these guys~~

my 4 kiddosand my honey!!*Our beautiful V-day flowers*


skinners said...

k, i officially decided we need to be better friends. if i made a list like yours, mine would be practically identical - except i do pampers diapers AND wipes, i would add survivor and take away biggest loser and sytycd, and i prefer mesa frozen yogurt to golden spoon. but seriously, it was weird to read it and realize mine would be almost the same.

except i turned madison's car seat front facing before she was one! is that a deal breaker? :)

Kasey said...

Love your love list! You're so cute. I layed on the couch sick all day. Yeah for our hot V-Day!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Very cool post!