I didn't get to know either one of the twins' teachers on a personal level, but I have no complaints this year. I know Blake has had his struggles with behavior and attention, but he is a very bright student. I don't think I ever mentioned this here, but during the first semester, he tested into the gifted program and has enjoyed going to L.E.A.P. three days a week for more enrichment learning.

Ever since we left Benjamin Franklin South Elementary School in Mesa (due to the drive from Queen Creek), we've been on the waiting list at the Benjamin Franklin Charter School out here (no affiliation with the previous Franklin). I was really, really, really hoping that we'd get in sometime during 1st grade, but I knew our chances were slim, especially with TWO students needing spots. The first week of April, I finally got a call from Franklin Charter saying that they had two spots for us for 2nd grade next year!!! I was ecstatic to say the least!!!!!!!!!!! I actually screamed once I hung up the phone! ;) Big sigh of relief. I got them all registered a couple weeks later and we were all set to go for next year.
Enter Legacy Traditional School. This school is going to be BRAND NEW for the 2010-2011 school year. There are two other existing campuses in the valley, this NEW one is being built in the subdivision across the major crossroad from us. The curriculum is nearly identical to Franklin's. They are excelling schools. All the neighbors, ward members and baseball team parents are buzzing about this Legacy school. Matt starts in, "Babe, why don't we look into Legacy?" Me: "I thought we'd already made our decision!" Matt: "Please just look into it." Me: (stubborn as can be) "I know all about it. I'd rather we just stay with Franklin." I did my research, had my opinions and was sticking to my guns. Yes, this school would be actual buildings, as opposed to portables at Franklin. Yes, it would literally be a 3 minute drive, but I could handle the 10 minute drive to Franklin. Uniforms at Legacy??? Ugh. Not my thing. I like buying my kids' clothes too much to have to limit what they wear every day to school. I can tolerate long pants every day of the school year at Franklin. I talked with people, listened to their viewpoints, asked questions.
THEN, I heard that Franklin doesn't have a computer class at all. They can survive without it, although those skills are pretty much vital nowadays. THEN, I heard that Franklin doesn't have a school LIBRARY!!!!!!!! That was it for me. What school doesn't have a library??!? And we are a book-loving family! I printed out, fill out and send in our pre-enrollment forms for Legacy right then. At this point, I was sure we'd be wait-listed since it seems like EVERYone is flocking to this new school. But, we weren't. We have two spots for 2nd grade next year! And I've even already purchased our first uniform pieces for next year. ;) I hope we're making the right decision. Both Matt and I have a good feeling about this. It's so hard having to make choices like this that can affect your kids so much!!!
And on another school-related note, I can't believe Gavin has a whole 'nother YEAR before he gets to go to kindergarten! It seems like he'd be ready this next school year! Of course the trend is to put your kid into preschool for two years beforehand, but I just don't think it's necessary. Plus, I'm not willing to shell out the big bucks to do it! I like having my kids home with me (as much as they do drive me crazy!) as long as I can because I only GET 5 short years before they are off to school full-time for the next 12 years! I'm not one to homeschool, but I'm considering being part of a co-op preschool with a few ladies from the ward. If it pans out, I think it'll definitely be a good thing. But if not, we'll just do some basics to make sure Gavin is ready for kindy in Aug 2012. I have no doubt he'll do just fine when the time comes, just like Brooklyn and Blake did without the aid of preschool. He loves to be involved in what I do and he's also a smart cookie.
1 comment:
I did the co-op preschool a year ago with some of the ladies in our ward. It went really well, the kids and moms loved it. It gave Kaylee a head start for pre-k that she went to this year.(Our school district has one) Good job on finding the right school. We are fighting to keep Kaylee in hers for next year. (We love it) even though it is a 15 minute drive each way. The things we do for our kids :) Good Job!
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