Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mother of the Year AWARD, right here! *snort*


Preston, Preston, Preston.

If he wasn't such a cute little booger, I'd be tempted to sell him on the street corner!! {kidding, of course!}

The boy loves to be "side." (outside) If the back door it open, he's out. A couple days ago, the kids were playing on the swingset and Preston was right there alongside his big sibs. He discovered that he can climb up the slide, and I'm not talking up the ladder. I thought it was cute, so I ran inside, grabbed my camera and snapped some pictures.

Exhibit A :)Pretty proud of himself
Imagine my horror when all of a sudden, Preston took a nosedive face first off the top of the slide!!! I watched the whole thing happen, HEARD him hit the ground and instantly freaked, thinking he'd broken his arm or neck. I gently set my camera down ;) and ran to him, picked him up, gave him a once over and comforted him. THANKFULLY he was *ONLY* scared and not hurt in any way.

And today, I was in the office while all four kids were playing in the family room (which I can see from the office). All of a sudden, I hear Preston start crying. I immediately got up to see what was going on, turned the corner and saw blood dripping from Preston's mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!! I scooped him up, got to the kitchen to clean up the blood and see what the damage was. He had bitten into his bottom lip and I panicked because it wouldn't stop bleeding. I got Prest a cup of crushed ice (one of his faves!) and the bleeding finally subsided so I could see that it wasn't as bad as I originally thought. Another THANK GOODNESS!!
Matt and I are already taking bets on when Preston's first MaJoR injury will occur!! He keeps us on our toes, that's for sure!

1 comment:

brittney larson said...

good thing babies have flexible bones!! :) he is going to be your "no fear" child.