Saturday, May 29, 2010


It' s 4:00am, everyone sleeping peacefully in their beds. All of a sudden, someone is at the door, ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door like there's a national emergency!!! Matt jumps out of bed, throws on some clothes and races downstairs. Several scenarios are running though my head;

A) Sister-in-law Kristin is in early labor and they need to drop their two boys off as they rush to the hospital

B) We left our garage door open overnight and everything is gone

C) It's all a part of a home invasion scheme and Matt's being attacked -- should I go down too?

Matt came back upstairs (whew! it wasn't case C!!) and said that it was a POLICE OFFICER letting us know that we'd been TP'ed and was making sure nothing was damaged or stolen. SERIOUSLY?????! I mean, I guess I'm glad that cops are patrolling the neighborhood (there have been minor crimes here and there), but it must've been a REALLY slow night for them to wake us from our slumber for TOILET PAPER!!!! Thank goodness the kids slept through it all or I would have had some words for that officer!!!

Here's the handiwork and the culprits have been identified as a couple of Young Men that Matt works with through church (*ahem*JJHolcombandJakeStevens*ahem*)
We're flattered. Really, we are. ;)


Heather said...

I think it's funny that you said the young mens names on your post. lol Do their parents read your blog? Now THAT would be funny! Just remember, Jacquie Balmforth ALWAYS gets T.P.'d every year at least 2 or 3 times. The kids love her! Those kids must like you guys at least a little bit in order for them to have picked your house to get. lol

Kasey said...

Oh I would have been mad too! Not about the TP, but the 4 am wakeup call. Those police officers are a little retarded. BTW, we've already been TP'd so atleast they waited a while to get you guys.