I hate when I do this! Sooooo far behind in keeping up with what's going on around here! Here's a rough sketch of the past month.....
1. We were a bit slower to get the winter garden in this year because it seems like we have had a million things going on every weekend! Matt tried doing starter seeds then transplanting and we agreed that we'll skip that next year and go back to planting plants.
We tried a few off season things and have had some surprise appearances as well!!! This strawberry plant cropped up from seeds we planted during the spring, then a cantaloupe plant magically grew before our eyes as well!!! I hope this strawberry plant survives the winter and we get some hearty berries next summer!

We have cucumbers, tomatoes (3 plants), bell peppers left over from spring that are getting to be gigantic now that they are uninhibited by the tomatoes!!! Broccoli, lettuce galore, green beans, snap peas, carrots and green onions!
Left side~ cucumbers, strawberry, cucumbers, lettuce

Middle~ tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli (behind peppers), lettuce

HUGE green bell pepper plant with dozens of peppers!!!!

Broccoli close-up; looks like some buggas have gone to town on the leaves!

Right side~ green beans,
tiny pea shoots, cantaloupe, carrots and green onions in front, not visible yet

2. Mesa Veteran's Day parade ~ We go to this every year and the kids absolutely love it. Met up with my mom & Joshua, Becky and her two squirts. Preston was mesmerized by all there was to see!

Hey! Look who it is!!! Jen, Emily and Adam!! They walked/rode with the family group, we decided to spectate this year. ;)

Yay for the Mtn. View marching band! They were by far the biggest of the high school bands!

3. Preston has had a few incidents in the last little while that involve shoving things up his nose, particularly food items during lunch. First was a small piece of cheddar cheese, which I was able to remove pretty easily. The most recent was a piece of
CELERY that ended up requiring us to take a trip to the pediatrician for extraction. I regret not taking a picture of it post-extraction, just for posterity's sake. Let's just say that was the most expensive celery I have ever purchased!!!!

4. Both Matt and I love going to see plays and since we're not quite ready to fork over the big bucks to take the kids to see the major productions, it's especially convenient that two of my brothers are part of their school drama clubs. This year, we were able to go see Cody (14 yrs old) perform in his Jr. high Fall play, "Locomotion, Commotion, Dr. Gorilla and Me!" Cody played the role of the Mysterious Man. Too bad the best picture I was able to take while he was on stage was with Cody "dead" on the floor with a {fake} knife sticking out of his back!!! LOL!

5. We were getting all settled for a Friday night movie night with the kids, I was about to start mixing up cookie dough for pizzookies when out of the corner of my eye, I see Gavin hit the corner of the island counter and fall back hard onto the floor. I instantly ran to him and assessed the damage, and seeing a gash under his chin, I immediately called for Matt to come take over. I don't do well with blood. I was convinced that he would need stitches, Matt was certain it was fine. So Dr. Dad ran to the corner Walgreens while I held Gavin's chin together, got some liquid bandage, steri-strips and fixed him right up! Gavin was a trooper!

6. Preston is pretty much obsessed with airplanes, "helicockers," and motorcycles. This shirt had Preston's name ALL over it!! When I laid it out for him to see, he sat on it, saying, "Presty, ride!" hahahaha

He can be found toting these Matchbox vehicles around everywhere we go!