Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So does this officially make me a runner?

This story actually starts WAAAAAAAY back about the end of September. I had hit the breaking point with my weight and decided it was time to do something about it. There is a girl in the ward who runs in the neighborhood in the mornings so I asked if I could join her. I was a little apprehensive because she has run half marathons in the recent past and I haven't run consistently since I was in college!!! Plus I'm way out of shape....... how am I supposed to keep up??

I put on my Nikes and started running. Did 3 miles the first day AND the second day. Felt great and completely surprised myself! I was sure I would collapse after one mile. Well, by the weekend, I was in horrendous pain. I could barely WALK, let alone keep running. My knees hurt SO bad. I alternated heat/ice and took Advil as frequently as directed. I didn't run the next week, then we were off to Utah for October break. When we got back, I went to a specialty running store where they watch you walk and run, then fit you with shoes according to your gait. I ended up with these beauts, the Pearl iZumi.Started back up with running 4 days a week. Took it real slow in the beginning, kept the mileage to a minimum so I could work myself back up. Since I did it RIGHT this time, I've been able to run just fine, with an occasional teensy bit of pain in my left knee. My big plan is to run a 10K at the end of January, but I saw a banner advertising a Turkey Waddle on Thanksgiving day, so I checked out the website and signed myself up for my very first race, a 5K (3.1 miles)! Monday and Tuesday I ran 3 miles so I knew that was totally doable and I was so excited!!!

When it came time to line up, I got a little bit nervous. There were a lot of people! I had a few fears- what if I got lost? (impossible) what if I came in dead last? (probably wouldn't happen) what if I tripped and fell on my face? (could happen) I strapped on my iPod and hit the road running. At first, lots of people passed me, but I just got my pace set and kept it steady. Then I started passing people. ;) Thankfully all of my fears were completely for naught; I finished in 32 minutes and NOT in last place!!! I ran the whole time and didn't die. I was really, REALLY proud of myself and look forward to my next race!

Almost to the finish line.... you can see the kids with the sign they made for me!!!Mission accomplished!
Me & my turkeys
I can't say I love running --- yet. It's way cold and way dark at 5:15 in the morning. It's hard to get out of my warm bed and sometimes my legs just don't want to get moving. But I never regret getting up and going running. It feels real good to move my body. And I love the way I feel the rest of the day!


Heather said...

Lady, you motivate me! I really need to get in shape after having the last baby, so when I'm ready to do that in January... I'm e-mailing you for the name of that store where you got those running shoes. I just hope they have one in California. You did great, although I still think you are crazy for running at 5:15 in the morning... lol

mad white woman said...

Yes, that makes you a runner. Way to go!! I used to run so much and I wonder if I will ever get back into it. Mostly I think I'm too lazy though... :)