BlacK FridaY shopping ~ woot! This year I got Matt to come with me (my brother Cody slept overnight at our house) and I'm not sure what he thought of the madness!! He was embarrassed that I was taking pictures, but hey, do you have anything better to do while waiting in lines in the middle of the night??!
WalMart, waiting in line for checkout at 12:00am

Waiting outside
Boy was up in the middle of the night, thought he was starving.

Freezing my arse off on the coldest night of the year so far! Temps were below 30 degrees, we sat out there for 2.5 HOURS!!!!!

LoVe this picture!!! I'm all exhilarated, he's all exhausted! LOL!

I cannot remember the last time I/we've stayed up for 24 hours straight!!! I'm too old to do that. But I can't resist the thrill of shopping Black Friday!! Once again, we got everything we had on our list from WalMart, Kohls and Target. Becky came to my rescue and I fired the road across town in record time to pick up an item that was swiped off the shelf right before my very eyes.
Saturday morning, we took the kids (minus Preston) to see Tangled. SO, so cute!!! The whole family loved it and Brooklyn asked if we could buy that movie right when we left the theater! Disney did good with this one!

We met up with Becky and Lexi at the theater. :)

That night, we headed back to the movies to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I.

I had been quickly rereading the 7th book so I could actually remember something that happened in the book because it had been so long since I originally read it. I just finished the book THAT afternoon, so after having my expectations set high, I was disappointed in the movie. The book was covered well, but I felt like there wasn't enough development, just skipping from one thing to the next. Also it seemed really quiet and slow moving. I'm excited to see Part II next year. I'm hoping they do the ending justice!
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