Today was the last of the soccer games for Fall. We survived three kids in one sport and I think we can safely say we'll be doing it again next year! Soccer was a new sport for all of us, but it was really fun to be involved in! I wish we could continue on with Winter season to keep the momentum going, but Mommy needs a break! We're lucky that soccer practice and games didn't conflict with any other extra-curriculars we had going on (dance two days a week and karate) but it definitely kept us busy!
Gavin didn't really get in on the action, he just trotted around the field with the other kids, happy as can be! See Exhibit A:

He never once complained or threw a fit about practicing or playing and I love that he'd wave to me from the field all the time! ♥

I'm so proud of Gavin for finishing his first ever season of sports!! Love you, Bean!

Brooklyn has declared that she
LOVES soccer! I saw her confidence grow during the season. She really enjoyed having four other girls on the team since she was the only girl on her baseball team earlier this year.

Soccer was a good energy-output for Blake. He always wanted to be right there in the thick of things, whatever position he was playing. I think it's safe to say that Blake really liked playing soccer too!

Here are the "dynamic duo" with their coach, Craig Avery. He was so good and patient with the kids!

And just one more thing ----
BEST.Umbrella.EVER for surviving soccer season in the hot, harsh AZ sun!!

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