Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Meet Mr. Mohawk!
Many of you already know how particular Blake is in regards to his hair. Practically every day, I ask Blake how he wants his hair and he firmly says, "Like a HEAD!" meaning, laying flat, combed and parted like a pretty boy! I always tease him that I'm going to do his hair spiky and he tells me, "I don't LIKE 'spicy' hair!!!" LOL! So today, I actually bribed the boy to let me make him a mohawk!! Whaddaya think?!?
And just for the record, I don't think the mohawk look suits my little angel boy. ;) Next attempt, lots-o-"spice" on the top!
It's raining, it's pouring!
I've gotta catch up a bit on my blogging! I take pictures thinking, "I'll put these on my blog today," but then I don't get around to it that day! So here we go!
Late Friday night/early Saturday morning, I woke up to the glorious sound of RAIN!!! But, I don't like it when it RAINS during the night and then not during the day! It did RAIN during the day on Saturday!!! :) Finally, we got some decent RAIN in Southern California! I stayed in my pjs all day and did nothing, except play with the kids. Brooklyn, Blake and I laid in my bed, all snuggled up under the covers and told stories. Brooklyn and I played "war" with her new Cinderella playing cards that I got at the grocery store for 50 cents! We just lounged around, my idea of the perfect RAINY day!! I love how fresh and clean the Earth smells after it has RAINED.
Late Friday night/early Saturday morning, I woke up to the glorious sound of RAIN!!! But, I don't like it when it RAINS during the night and then not during the day! It did RAIN during the day on Saturday!!! :) Finally, we got some decent RAIN in Southern California! I stayed in my pjs all day and did nothing, except play with the kids. Brooklyn, Blake and I laid in my bed, all snuggled up under the covers and told stories. Brooklyn and I played "war" with her new Cinderella playing cards that I got at the grocery store for 50 cents! We just lounged around, my idea of the perfect RAINY day!! I love how fresh and clean the Earth smells after it has RAINED.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Why can't people accept responsibility???!?
Back in June, I blogged about when I was rear ended on our way to the beach. Remember the guy that BEGGED me not to call the cops?? *rolling my eyes* There was no visible damage, but we took our car in had it checked out anyway. Turns out there was some underbody/frame damage, so we paid our deductible and had the car repaired. Our insurance company has handled everything perfectly! But, we're having problems with the "other guy," whom I'd like to call some not nice names right now!!!!!
First, our insurance company filed a claim against other guy's insurance company. Other guy's insurance company responds saying that other guy is going to pay out of pocket for the damages. Our insurance company has been keeping up on them and has been in touch with us. Well guess what?????? After three months, NADA!! I knew I should have just called the police on this stupid guy! So we get a letter in the mail today saying that our claim is now going to some sort of inter-agency hearing to see if they can reclaim our deductible. How ridiculous!!
I guess I'm just naive. I thought when "other guy" forked over his license and insurance card to me to take down all his info, that he would fess up and pay for the damages HE caused to MY car for not paying attention while HE was driving. If it were me, I'd be mortified and pay right away. This guy thinks he can get away with it?!?!? What the heck is wrong with some people? I swear.... GRRR!!!
First, our insurance company filed a claim against other guy's insurance company. Other guy's insurance company responds saying that other guy is going to pay out of pocket for the damages. Our insurance company has been keeping up on them and has been in touch with us. Well guess what?????? After three months, NADA!! I knew I should have just called the police on this stupid guy! So we get a letter in the mail today saying that our claim is now going to some sort of inter-agency hearing to see if they can reclaim our deductible. How ridiculous!!
I guess I'm just naive. I thought when "other guy" forked over his license and insurance card to me to take down all his info, that he would fess up and pay for the damages HE caused to MY car for not paying attention while HE was driving. If it were me, I'd be mortified and pay right away. This guy thinks he can get away with it?!?!? What the heck is wrong with some people? I swear.... GRRR!!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
I have a new niece!!!
My sister, Becky, had her baby in the wee morning hours this AM!! The baby was about two weeks early. She seemed to progress pretty quickly, giving birth only after 4 or so hours after being admitted to the hospital and pushing for only 10 minutes!! Wonder woman!!! I talked to Becky this morning and she and baby Lexi are doing fine.
Weight: 6 lbs. 11 oz.
Length: 20 in.
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 6 lbs. 11 oz.
Length: 20 in.
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Blue
Congrats to my sis and her hubby!! I know Becky will make a good mommy- she already is! I'll share a pic when I get one.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Everybody LUAU!
We have an escapee!
I think the pictures say it ALL!!!
Upset that Mommy put me in time out
Needless to say, someone is going to be sporting a new crib accessory soon!!! ;) At 20 months! 20 months!!!!! Why can't my kids just stay put?!?!?!!!? There's no way in heck I'm putting Gav in a toddler bed right now. Can you imagine the chaos at bedtime with all three kids loose in one room?! It stresses me out even *thinking* about it!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Remembering 9/11

A Time to Call Our Own
Racked with pain and emotion.
Terror rips sturdy walls away
But this is a time to call our own.
Not knowing the outcome.
Silent prayers are heard
In this time of infinite need.
Standing together as one.
Finding hope in fellowman
Reaching out a helping hand.
No one can take what’s deep inside.
Let our voices rise above
This is a time to call our own.
Written by: Lindsay Hamilton
I remember the strong sense of patriotism after that day. People coming together, setting aside their differences, for the sake of allegiance to our great and noble country. My prayers go out to those who lost friends and family in this hostile attack. I can't imagine suffering a loss so tragic!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Put the camera DOWN!!!
I've decided that I need to chill a bit with the camera. I never leave the house without it, but I'm realize that I'm spending too much time trying to take pictures of our adventures and not playing enough with my kids. Sad!! And to top it all off, Brooklyn really put me in my place last week!
Last Tuesday, we headed to Pump It Up again with the Poulters and the Barneys. I decided not to bring my camera because we've been there several times already and I really wanted to just have fun with my trio. This was our conversation on the way there:
Brooklyn: Mom, did you bring your camera?
Me: No, honey.
Brooklyn: Good, because I don't want to take any pictures today.
Talk about a BIG 'ole honkin' HINT!!!!
Super Sniffer
Brooklyn has an AMAZING sense of smell!!! There is no way to secretly put a piece of gum in your mouth, because she'll smell it. Last night after the kids were in bed, I popped a bag of popcorn, and all of a sudden from the kids' room, we hear, "Something smells like popcorn!" Brooklyn brings her baby doll out and says, "My baby's head smells like popcorn!" Haha! Silly girl! Matt told her I'd made some popcorn in the microwave. She smells lotion (like Bath & Body Works) from a mile away. She can identify the type of candy that you are chewing without seeing it. And you can't sneak any toots out, either- she'll rat you out!!!! It's funny when you start hearing her sniff the air! LOL! Brooklyn must have super-sensitive olfactory nerves, or maybe she's just inherited the Hamilton family honker! ;)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Date Day

Yesterday, Matt and I went to the BYU v. UCLA football game at the Rose Bowl. BYU lost, but it was close there for a minute, within 3 points! We had a great time with several other couples and families from the ward. I was surprised that BYU had such great representation in the crowd! It was fun to watch a football game and just to be out without the kids. Although it was a rather expensive date!! We were gone for 7 hours so the babysitter actually cost more than the football tickets did! LOL! It was worth it to me! Here are a few pics-
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
We're home
This was the LAST time we'll be driving back to our home in California!!
We arrived back to CA on Monday evening and it's been crazy busy since then!! Plus, I've realized that I can go several days without being on the computer so I'm trying to be better about lessening my computer time and spending more quality time with the kids. I'm going to try and recap our trip in a nutshell, but that might be hard to do since we were gone for a week and a half!
~ My mom flew out to a nearby airport on Wednesday morning, I picked her up and she drove back with us to Arizona. We've done this several times now and it makes things SO much easier, traveling with three kids and having an extra set of hands. Thank goodness for portable DVD players because that sweet device allows me to preserve my sanity while driving!! Matt flew in to Arizona on Saturday night before Labor Day and drove back home with us on Monday. And next time we go to Arizona, it'll be for GOOD!!! Bittersweet, I tell ya!
~ My younger sister Becky's baby shower was the main reason for my trip to AZ. She is due at the beginning of October with a girl, who will be named Lexi. My mom, youngest sister and I threw the shower for her and we had
a pretty good turnout! It was my first time planning a baby shower and although a little stressful, it was fun. Brittney and I made a diaper cake for Becky and it turned out way cute!! Becky got lots of adorable baby girl clothes, which makes me want to have another baby girl!! Not yet, though!
~ Gavin successfully figured out how to climb out of the Pack 'n Play the very first night of our trip. That was fun- in, out, in, out, back and forth, back and forth. My biggest worry was that he would immediately be able to climb out of the crib when we got home because that is exactly what happened with Brooklyn and Blake at 21 months old. I'm NOT ready to put Gavin in a toddler bed. I would be out buying a crib tent in about 30 seconds! Thankfully, he's not attempted to bail out of his crib- yet. I keep waiting for him to lift that leg up and try to get out!
~ I met with a loan officer that is in my parent's ward. Just wanted to see if there was ANY way that we could still get the house. Here were the options: 1) Get someone to co-sign with us, 2) Magically come up with $40,000 for a down payment, 3) Have a payment of $2300/month!!!!!, 4) Have Matt get a job. Um, none of those are options, so I guess that's a no go on the house. Oh well, at least we tried. We still haven't decided what measures we are going to take to get some/any of our earnest deposit back.
~ The grand apartment search begins! Matt's mom so graciously offered to watch all three kids while my mom and I spent aaaaaaaaaallllllll day, going from apartment to apartment, taking tours, driving around in the 113 degree heat. We visited 8 different complexes. The next day, I went out by myself and visited 7 more complexes. I saw lot of good things, but one of my requirements was that there be a playground area for the kids. I finally found one that I just liked immediately when I walked in. And I needed that!!! I didn't know HOW I was going to choose between 15 different apartments!! I took my mom back the next day to show her the place and to sign a lease. This complex was the only one that offered to take a deposit now and hold an apartment for us until we move on November 1st. They also have a kids' program every Thursday, which had me instantly hooked!! So it's 2 bd, 2 ba, 1189 sq ft, which is a bit bigger than our apartment now. The bedrooms are large and both have HUGE walk-in closets! There is a second bathroom, plus a laundry room, which I'm sure I'll enjoy! The plan is to rent for a year and then look into building a house. Oh, and the apartment is on McQueen Road and of course Blake was ecstatic that we'll be living on "Lightming NcQueen Road!" LOL!!
~ Took the car in for an oil change and they did a free inspection. Turns out we needed some work done, to the tune of $580. Pfffft! I did get to watch the odometer hit 60,000 miles! :) Our warranty has officially run up. Bah!
Overall, I really enjoyed my trip to Arizona. My mom spoiled us to bits, cooking us delicious meals and baking delectable desserts. I totally needed the break from the every day toils of being a stay-at-home-mom. My brothers (13, 11 & 7) kept the kids occupied at all times, and of course they got their fair share of attention from Grandma Hamilton and Aunt Brittney! I enjoyed the laughs and late night trips to WalMart, Sonic, the grocery store and Golden Spoon. We got to spend some time with Matt's family too. But mostly, I just enjoyed being with family again.

~ Took the car in for an oil change and they did a free inspection. Turns out we needed some work done, to the tune of $580. Pfffft! I did get to watch the odometer hit 60,000 miles! :) Our warranty has officially run up. Bah!
Overall, I really enjoyed my trip to Arizona. My mom spoiled us to bits, cooking us delicious meals and baking delectable desserts. I totally needed the break from the every day toils of being a stay-at-home-mom. My brothers (13, 11 & 7) kept the kids occupied at all times, and of course they got their fair share of attention from Grandma Hamilton and Aunt Brittney! I enjoyed the laughs and late night trips to WalMart, Sonic, the grocery store and Golden Spoon. We got to spend some time with Matt's family too. But mostly, I just enjoyed being with family again.
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