Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's raining, it's pouring!

I've gotta catch up a bit on my blogging! I take pictures thinking, "I'll put these on my blog today," but then I don't get around to it that day! So here we go!

Late Friday night/early Saturday morning, I woke up to the glorious sound of RAIN!!! But, I don't like it when it RAINS during the night and then not during the day! It did RAIN during the day on Saturday!!! :) Finally, we got some decent RAIN in Southern California! I stayed in my pjs all day and did nothing, except play with the kids. Brooklyn, Blake and I laid in my bed, all snuggled up under the covers and told stories. Brooklyn and I played "war" with her new Cinderella playing cards that I got at the grocery store for 50 cents! We just lounged around, my idea of the perfect RAINY day!! I love how fresh and clean the Earth smells after it has RAINED.

I love the bulky gray clouds that are a sure sign of RAIN.
I love hearing the pitter-patter of RAIN outside.
I love how fascinated my kids are by the RAIN.I love the beautiful sunsets that come after the RAIN.I the RAIN!!!


Trenda said...

I guess there are reasons to like the rain! I have always just said I didn't like it . . . it's just inconvenient, but I do see the good aspects now! Thanks!

Maren said...

cool pictures. i love the rain too. still coming here?

Carrie Anne said...

I agree...sometimes the rain is just nice to have! And I remember how beautiful it does look in southern CA after a rain...the rain cleans it up for a few minutes! Such great pictures! I LOVE how long Brooklyn's hair is! And I love Blake's hair! He is so funny! Man I miss those kids!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I love the rain too! I took pictures post-rain as well. It was just so gorgeous outside! Plus, hearing the rain come down is so soothing! Thanks for giving rain some credit. :o)