I've decided that I need to chill a bit with the camera. I never leave the house without it, but I'm realize that I'm spending too much time trying to take pictures of our adventures and not playing enough with my kids. Sad!! And to top it all off, Brooklyn really put me in my place last week!
Last Tuesday, we headed to Pump It Up again with the Poulters and the Barneys. I decided not to bring my camera because we've been there several times already and I really wanted to just have fun with my trio. This was our conversation on the way there:
Brooklyn: Mom, did you bring your camera?
Me: No, honey.
Brooklyn: Good, because I don't want to take any pictures today.
Talk about a BIG 'ole honkin' HINT!!!!
yup, there's a fine line... my sis-in-law told me she's had to learn to just enjoy the moment and not take a picture. but just don't tone it down too much! :)
I was so bummed for you when I heard about all of the things that were happening with the house and practice. But I am so glad that you have found an apartment and things are looking up. Sounds like a cool place, maybe you won't want to leave! ha! Hopefully after you get through it all, you'll end up right where you were supposed to be! Your kids are too cute!
Yeah, I've been trying to do better about that too! I can tell cade gets annoyed when I always want him to smile for a picture!
I was thinking that same thing as I forgot my camera when I went to pumpitup here in nevada. Hunter finally decided to go down the gigantic slide! I was crushed that I didn't have a picture. Enjoy the moment I supose. But I most definitely need to chill. But it is such a fun little obsession isn't it:)
So funny ! And I love the nose smelling blog, too! This is so much fun! I can't believe how old the kids are! Wow! Weren't they JUST born and running around Pepperwood? Man!
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