This was the LAST time we'll be driving back to our home in California!!

We arrived back to CA on Monday evening and it's been crazy busy since then!! Plus, I've realized that I can go several days without being on the computer so I'm trying to be better about lessening my computer time and spending more quality time with the kids. I'm going to try and recap our trip in a nutshell, but that might be hard to do since we were gone for a week and a half!

~ My mom flew out to a nearby airport on Wednesday morning, I picked her up and she drove back with us to Arizona. We've done this several times now and it makes things SO much easier, traveling with three kids and having an extra set of hands. Thank goodness for portable DVD players because that sweet device allows me to preserve my sanity while driving!! Matt flew in to Arizona on Saturday night before Labor Day and drove back home with us on Monday. And next time we go to Arizona, it'll be for GOOD!!! Bittersweet, I tell ya!

~ My younger sister Becky's baby shower was the main reason for my trip to AZ. She is due at the beginning of October with a girl, who will be named Lexi. My mom, youngest sister and I threw the shower for her and we had

a pretty good turnout! It was my first time planning a baby shower and although a little stressful, it was fun. Brittney and I made a diaper cake for Becky and it turned out way cute!! Becky got lots of adorable baby girl clothes, which makes me want to have another baby girl!! Not yet, though!

~ Gavin successfully figured out how to climb out of the Pack 'n Play the very first night of our trip. That was fun- in, out, in, out, back and forth, back and forth. My biggest worry was that he would immediately be able to climb out of the crib when we got home because that is exactly what happened with Brooklyn and Blake at 21 months old. I'm NOT ready to put Gavin in a toddler bed. I would be out buying a crib tent in about 30 seconds! Thankfully, he's not attempted to bail out of his crib- yet. I keep waiting for him to lift that leg up and try to get out!

~ I met with a loan officer that is in my parent's ward. Just wanted to see if there was ANY way that we could still get the house. Here were the options: 1) Get someone to co-sign with us, 2) Magically come up with $40,000 for a down payment, 3) Have a payment of $2300/month!!!!!, 4) Have Matt get a job. Um, none of those are options, so I guess that's a no go on the house. Oh well, at least we tried. We still haven't decided what measures we are going to take to get some/any of our earnest deposit back.

~ The grand apartment search begins! Matt's mom so graciously offered to watch all three kids while my mom and I spent aaaaaaaaaallllllll day, going from apartment to apartment, taking tours, driving around in the 113 degree heat. We visited 8 different complexes. The next day, I went out by myself and visited 7 more complexes. I saw lot of good things, but one of my requirements was that there be a playground area for the kids. I finally found one that I just liked immediately when I walked in. And I needed that!!! I didn't know HOW I was going to choose between 15 different apartments!! I took my mom back the next day to show her the place and to sign a lease. This complex was the only one that offered to take a deposit now and hold an apartment for us until we move on November 1st. They also have a kids' program every Thursday, which had me instantly hooked!! So it's 2 bd, 2 ba, 1189 sq ft, which is a bit bigger than our apartment now. The bedrooms are large and both have HUGE walk-in closets! There is a second bathroom, plus a laundry room, which I'm sure I'll enjoy! The plan is to rent for a year and then look into building a house. Oh, and the apartment is on McQueen Road and of course Blake was ecstatic that we'll be living on "Lightming NcQueen Road!" LOL!!
~ Took the car in for an oil change and they did a free inspection. Turns out we needed some work done, to the tune of $580. Pfffft! I did get to watch the odometer hit 60,000 miles! :) Our warranty has officially run up. Bah!
Overall, I really enjoyed my trip to Arizona. My mom spoiled us to bits, cooking us delicious meals and baking delectable desserts. I totally needed the break from the every day toils of being a stay-at-home-mom. My brothers (13, 11 & 7) kept the kids occupied at all times, and of course they got their fair share of attention from Grandma Hamilton and Aunt Brittney! I enjoyed the laughs and late night trips to WalMart, Sonic, the grocery store and Golden Spoon. We got to spend some time with Matt's family too. But mostly, I just enjoyed being with family again.
Brittney, Heston and me
Super flattering, I know!!
Back to real life!! We have less than two months left here in good 'ole SoCal, which means I have a whole lotta packing to do!!
How's that for the longest blog entry ever?!?!?
I wish I knew how to get ahold of you in Az I would have loved to get together. I am sure you were busy with family though. We will definatly have to get together when you get back.
My husband said that you have to get your earnest money back. I will get details if you want.
I love spending time with my family too. I just got back from a trip a month ago. We had a blast!
You are about to embark on a whole new life. It is exciting but also scary. It all ends up working its self out in the end. LOOK UP! THE CLOUDS ARE STARTIN TO CLEAR & here come the Palmers :)
Sounds like you had a lot of fun . . . good for you! The appartment sounds great too. Your right about moving being bitter sweet . . . change always seems to be that way. We are glad to have you back for a little while!
i'm so glad you are back so you can update your blog, he he. sorry i never got those numbers for matt on the houses for rent by our house. i was in utah for a week, home for a few days, then off camping. i'm guessing you'll be able to save more for a house if you're in an apartment anyway, but i'm still sorry i flaked on that one. we for sure need to get together once you get back into AZ!
Sounds like you had a great needed that! Mothers are the best, aren't they? Just what we need every so often to be spoiled rotten!:) I'm glad things are coming together for you to rent an won't be forever, and you'll enjoy not having as much space to clean for a bit longer.:) Enjoy these last few weeks in SoCal!
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