Friday, October 26, 2007

Let the Festivities Begin!!

Today was the kickoff of our Halloween celebrations!

Every year, down at Matt's school, the staff invite all the students and their children to come trick-or-treating at the school. So we get the kids all dressed up and the faculty and staff just fawn ALL over them in their costumes! It's fun for the kids to see where Daddy has spent his life for the past 3+ years and they get lots of great treats!

Tonight, we had our ward party as well. I'm on the activity committee so we set up most everything last night. Like last year, we had a chili cook off and corn dogs for the kids. I've never thought of myself as much of a chili person, but both years, I just happened to pick chili that was REALLY good! There were a few carnival games- fish pond (which I put together), ring the pumpkin and a cupcake walk. Brooklyn and Blake each came back with two cupcakes, silly kids! The main event of the Halloween party is the Trunk-or-Treat. People decorate their trunk/back of their car and hand out candy to the kids, who go from car to car trick-or-treating. Such and cute and fun idea!

Of course between these two activities today, all three kids had major candy overload today. Gavin's new favorite word is "candy!" LOL! Of course I scrubbed their teeth lots and lots before sending them to bed! Surprisingly, there was no resistance at bedtime tonight. I was worried they'd be on sugar highs, but I think the busyness of the day just plain wore them out!

Costumes this year- I decided to let go of some of my OCD-ness and let Brooklyn and Blake pick what they wanted to be for Halloween. Honestly, if I told them they were going to be something, they'd go with it! We have loads of dress-ups, so they each chose from their boxes. I have enjoyed dressing them in coordinating, matchy-matchy costumes for the past 4 years, but it was a joy to see them excited about dressing up as what they wanted to be! I still had a say in what Gavin wore, though! :)

Pictures from the day~

I think this just might be a miracle! ALL seven kids looking in the right direction!!! And no, there was no Photoshop involved in this picture!
Fourth year kids, L to R - Ambree, Macey, Cade, Brooklyn, Blake, Sydney, Gavin
Brooklyn shows us how to pose like a princess
Pretty Cinderella!
Spider-Blakey and his new spider pal
Muscles!!!Cute monkey boy!Have you ever seen a monkey sucking it's thumb?!What are we?? MOVING!!! We had bubble wrap on our legs. And no, these weren't comfortable!! Matt's idea.
I think this was Gavin's third or fourth sucker for the day, can't you tell?!?

There WILL be more pictures to come, I assure you! We still have to have our "Fall" photo shoot! ;)


Trenda said...

Cute pics! I can't believe all of the kids are looking at the camera!

Jenna said...

Happy Halloween! I think your kids picked cute costumes! And you and Matt were quite clever with the moving boxes...

Maren said...

how fun! love all the costumes. brynlee won tonight for having 'the cutest costume'. she is going to be minnie mouse! and the cutest minnie you have ever seen.

Maren said...

how fun! love all the costumes. brynlee won tonight for having 'the cutest costume'. she is going to be minnie mouse! and the cutest minnie you have ever seen.

Carrie Anne said...

SO DANG CUTE! Love the costumes!