Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thankful Thursday

What am I thankful for today??


Our time here in California is drawing to a close (only two more weeks!) and it's starting to become more real to me every single day. These past few weeks, I've had the opportunity to spend lots of time with my close friends and I am seriously going to miss them- BADLY. Every time I think about it, I try to squelch my emotions, but I know one day (soon!), they are just going to come flooding out!

Every year, I've watched the 4th year optometry wives as they say their goodbyes to friends that they may or may not ever see again, friends that have led lives parallel to their own for the past 3+ years. I've watched them cry in church and scoffed, 'Why are they crying?!? Why is it such a big deal?' Well now I'M that 4th year wife and I'M the one that's going to be bawling my eyes out when I have to leave MY friends that I may or may not ever see again, MY friends that have lived lives parallel to my own for the past 3+ years, and it's a BIG deal!!! We've laughed, cried, vented to each other, and celebrated major holidays with each other. These have been the people that I've leaned on most for support in the past few years. We've been each others' "family" away from our own individual families. Some of you can be credited with saving my sanity, numerous times!!

And not only are these MY friends, but their kids are my kids' friends too. They've grown up together, been in nursery together, played together and made their own little friendships. I don't think that Brooklyn and Blake will forget their little friends from California.

I'm so grateful that I've met each and every one of you. I thank Heavenly Father for bringing us together for this time in our lives. Some I've known only for a short time, others from the very beginning. You've made a profound impact on my life. You better believe that we're going to keep in touch with each other through the years, as our hubbies become rich and successful doctors!! :) I love you all!

***Edited to add: This isn't solely about our optometry friends. We've made lots of awesome friends in the ward too! :)


Jamie said...

Lindsay-I'm sorry that the time has come to say your goodbye's! There is nothing better than grad school, I've decided. I would go back and do it again in a second. My OBGYN told me that it is nice to be done with school, because you can finally make money. He said you won't be happier, but it is nice to have some money and to not live on loans anymore. I totally agree with him. You aren't any happier, because grad school is the best time of your life and it is hard to top it. Enjoy every last minute you have there. It's okay to cry, you saw me do it many times!!! I am so happy you are where you are. Good luck with the big move! And if you are ever passing through Bullhead, you better stop!!!!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I know I'm not Optometry - but I love you too and I'll miss you all terribly!

Jenna said...

We're really going to miss you, and all the 4th years too! You'd better come back to visit now and then! I know Matthew will miss Brooklyn and Blake in his'll be taking half the class with you!

Jessica said...

Those were the best years! It is amazing how you move on though. I still daydream about being down there in the warmth and just hangin' by the pool all day with all our friends. Those were the days.

Trenda said...

Ahhh, don't make me think about it! It's funny becuse you look so forward to the day when you will be done and then it's sad to move on! It's bitter-sweet! We will keep in touch!

Michelle said...

Thank goodness for blogs. It will help us keep in touch. And I have a feeling that you have created friendships with people here that you WILL see again. It may be only here and there, but you will see them! :) I know this time is so bitter-sweet. I'm looking forward to graduation, but I'm going to miss this place too when it's all said and done. Good luck, I'll miss you and your family!

Beka said...

so you are still coming to AZ? where are you going to be living since the house is no longer.....for now??

Carrie Anne said...

You know what? I totally know that feeling...I feel like we do it over and over again, but it's true, that is one of the happiest times of life because you do sink your roots so deep and develop friendships that save you and keep you going. I've cherished that time in CA so much and then Cleveland, too. There's no time like it-that is for sure. I've appreciated the blogging so that we can keep up with each other more, but man, there is nothing like when we'd run over to bring treats, "borrow" each others kids:), plan holidays...such great memories never to be forgotten. Good luck with the move...I can't believe you are finished! Wow time flies!:) By the way, you've been such a wonderful friend.

Weston & Jennie said...

I guess I haven't checked this in a while. I am always a day or two behind. Don't worry about crying, I was just about in tears reading this. I have to agree with everything that you said. I kindof got a taste of what it was going to be like, but I am sure that even that doesn't compare to how it is really going to be on that last day/night. We should go to dinner together. Just to torture ourselves. :) I am going to miss you! I already do with our move to LP. But, we will keep in touch. You do occasionally make it through St. George if I'm not mistaken. :)